
**** ZBrush 3.5R3 Tutorial Movie

I’ll add few test images that are related to process that is described in the movie, a quick and enjoyable process.

These are just tests, you can do better! Please feel free to join in and add your cool creations to this thread:)










Hey Pixolator, these are great! Really enjoyed watching the movie (once it dl’d) :slight_smile:

Love the new tools, brilliant for sketching out ideas, one question though:
In order to get the uniskin edge loops you need to turn on polish right, but when I do I lose quite a bit of form on any tube or finger-like forms. Am I being thick and missing something - have ttried playing with the polish and smooth values, turning on the ‘open circle’?
Should I be converting without polish to maintain form, THEN adding edge loops? That seems to give really wobbly edges to the groups…
And despite not allowing tris, I still get little knots and whorls in the topology that can’t be smoothed out… maybe re-topo is the only solution, or projecting uni skin onto a lower adaptive skin cage?

Anywho, here’s a little non-vehicle sketch, loving it :slight_smile:
ZBrush 3.5r3, c’est magnifique!!!

The new boolean mesh generation feature together with mirror and weld are really interesting way to create some good looking wheel rims. Am looking forward to updating my car after work today. :slight_smile:

respect, nice work. cant wait to have R3

Noob question on Masking by Polygroups…when this is on, and i am going only by what i saw in the video, is it where you put the cursor on the object? Over that specific group? that it masks all the other groups out? I dont have a palette like the layers in photoshop or the subtool palette that i select the polygroups that i want to work on do i? (that actually, if it isnt in there would be a nice palette to have and be able to name those polygroups) Hope that makes sense, i dont have my laptop with Z on it here at work so i was just wondering when i get to turn it on tonight how they work!! thanks!

Wow! Amazing features!!

I want to take that awesome 5-wheeler for a spin…

I am having a problem creating a character sheet using zbrush 3.1, I can’t open my obj files in photoshop either. Please advise.



Thanks for the vid post as a download- my home machine with licence doesnt have internet connection - this will make it lot easier to learn the features.


I was just thinking how it must be for you guys @ Pixologic in total control of what you envision - to come up with this stuff, develop it and then having constant über orgasms using it yourself to create this kind of madness…


Dear Pixolator,



I’ve been wondering when Pixologic would include the ability to polypaint like layers in photoshop and then the option to directly export those into PS, just like in photoshop CS4. Hopefully this feature be available in zbrush 4.0 PLS, with sugar on top!!!

I do love the new hard surface capabilities this helps me tremendously thanks

had another crack at a space ship with the poly looping system which blows my mind at what will now be possible now with armour jewels and even organic stuff

Zbrush does it again taking our imaginations to new realms!! thank you Zbrush!!! xx


Personally, I was hoping they would post a real-time version. The modeling went by way to fast for me.

Damn, this was jerkish thing for me to say. Thanks for the video and I apologize to the maker for me being such a negative nancy.