
ZBrush 3.5 stuff

Wow, Just wow… Every time I see your work it blows me away… I hope i am not being too forward but may I have your Autograph Mr. B?


Amazing stuff…awesome man…u rocx man… :smiley:

It has been a while since I have been excited about the updated tools in abrush. But you have stepped it up and I am humbled. Wow!
I sooo, hafta update myself in zbrush. You are an inspiration!
Thanks for sharing.
Unique lighting … nice.

*** I meant zbrush … oooooooohhhhhhhh.

Very nice work! :+1:

I think Sorayama would approve of the sexy robot.

“Sexy Robots baby yeah!” <— said with the best Austin Powers accent I am capable of.

Vitaly, great stuff.

I bought your Gnomon DVD set. The workflow is really nice. I am still learning how to let the shape come to me instead of trying to control the mesh too much with detail early on. Long ways to go. Thanks for sharing your secrets. :sunglasses: :smiley:

Great job :open_mouth:

I love the Female Android most. Amazing work!

Nice artwork! I am digging the femdroid. Those masks are really cool too. Keep up the flow.


I really dig your work Bulgarov Vitaly ! Great Job ! :+1:

Great work! It’s always great to see someone create a sexy bald woman.

Hey Bulgarov, Awesome stuff mate!!!
amazing renders and sculpting! nice job!

and you really like inorganic…and you do it very well…
Next time I see you I won’t forget that you’re the inorganic master :wink:

Take care bro.


Sweet Work! Reminds me Of HR Giger:+1:

Thanks a lot guys for kind feedback! Thank you very much Pixologic! New ZBrush really refreshed my approach to do things ang has given even more freedom for shape and design exploring.

Disco Stu:
The first model was done in release R3
The second was done in released R2. The girls were done during my betatesting period.

Jek-Spb: For the first sculpt and girls I used hd geometry. It’s about 15-20 million polys. For brainbot it’s just 4 millions, no hd was needed.

Litho: Thanks a lot for your critique!

cherub_rock: Disco Stu is right, that is just hazard sign:)

Thanks :+1:

Looks perfect, great sculpt man :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Wow, the features of the new versjons of Zbrush really pushes what can be made out of 3d modelling :slight_smile: can’t wait for more!

“Tests” are overrated. :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway, great job. Keep em coming!

I like the plastic effect on the metal. Really nice !

Vitaly you are absolutely amazing at what you do.
Please can you give us a run through of what brushes you used in zb3.5r3 for that hard surface sculpting?
It would be much appreciated
:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: