
ZBrush 3.5 stuff


gorgeous! :+1:

… as always :smiley:

…have not secrets for you! :wink:

Hah…it’s not difficult to see how wonderful this is…you are really connected to your software…you feeeel the brush…you are a poet in art…
Thank you for sharing these insights of your mind.


:sunglasses: wow~cool,

Great work man! Really love your style.

i like it ! cool work!

Thanks for letting us know, how you worked. Those are awesome works!:+1:

Stunning and amazing…

The female reminds me of Maria from the film Metropolis. :smiley:

More than just good. They are just great :smiley:

Creative and very well executed. And as said before, a very subtle and well put together colour palate.

Congratulations with top row, well deserved.

really powerful characters. I like them.

Really, really nice work there, Vitalyi!

Personally, I would watch out making a beauty ‘in motion’ pose with that girl. She has some parts which really give off a wonderful feeling of metal, and it is a big visual pain to even imagine her moving, which, you know, would be impossible. All that metal just scraping, bending, distorting, oh what sounds and distortions it would make. :o
Like that Sorayama’s robot, it has some articulative capabilities, so some limited range of motion (although that pose isn’t limited, I guess) is okay and feels kind of okay.

She’s a very beautiful sculpt, mhm. :+1:
Love the second helmet as well. Good counter balance with the bulging forms. Although the 3/4 view is more successful - the masses work better there.

Stunning work, like allways :+1:

Really great use of the new burshes. I guess, they fit perfectly for Your style :wink:

Hey, and You really love Giger too, do You? :smiley:

Thumbs up Vitaly, allways a pleasure to see new work from You.

Very Nice work.

Man, that’s good stuff!
Beautiful work and presentation.

The texture is very good!Still have a complicated machine beauty!

these are great!
kind of make me feel i havent seen this kind of work in a while, if not ever!
which is a good thing!

Cool work again. I just noticed that your logo looks a lot like http://www.health-safety-signs.uk.com/productimages/Caution-Biological-Hazard.gif, intentional?

Thats simply how hazardous signs look cherub ^^