
ZBrush 3.0 Collection: Indecom4000


That’s the way to work, low res to high when you feel it’s needed.

It makes things easier.

For referense, you can look at sites like this one.

And find pictures of people making faces or something that shows their facial muscles.

Bone structure is important also.

“I like the mouth. I might just add a little bit more space between the top of the lip and the bottom of the nose… right now, there’s very little room to breathe… literally. :wink: But that’s nitpicky.” by zerodean

but how else are you supposed to eat pasta? the bigger the family the faster ya gotta inhale or starve!

indecom…don’t forget if you like some of the detail work you did…you can retopo all you want then when ready use previous model and zproject brush to return those details.

the new zb seems at first limiting til you realize…you know own the world…limited only by lack of imagination on how to utilize it.

so keep going…you’ll get what you see to us soon enuf.

Thanks for the ideas. but i dont really want to keep any of the higher details. they are easy to reproduce and were a tad overboard. But thanks anyways, and thanks for the link. i especially like the imaginatomy section. I am sure it will help a lot in the future.

Here is the improved chin, lowered the lips and added a little volume to the lower, added volume to the nostrils and gave him a ridge. Smoothed out the skin to get rid of all the pock marks so to speak and added more to the base of his skull. May need to do more though.


Getting any better?



Definitely! Now pull the tip of the nose out away from the face a bit more. Currently, it’s just a little too small to be believable (to me, at least). :slight_smile:

Way to take in feedback!

Yeah, no problem. I know that by fixing these things the end product can be that much better. I appreciate the feedback as it has helped me to improve.

If you do sell it on exchange3d.com, consider adding a YouTube or Yahoo video preview. I have just added this feature to this online store.