
Y0YI Cyberpank girl

So I got to the final of Artheroes course Stylized Character (academy.artheroes.co)
The most difficult part for me, as I expected , is to finalize the project.
I learned a lot of new things for myself. I think, but my result will be close to the original concept.
Many thanks to the author of this great concept Y0YI for permission to use it in their work (https://www.artstation.com/yoyi)
Many thanks Artheroes instructors, Marlon R. Nunez, Alfredo Baro, Daniele Danko Angelozzi for your help and advice, it was cool.

my artstation https://www.artstation.com/victorzolkin
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hiropraktic/


I love the style of this sculpt.

