
Work in progress: full-body character/creature modeling...

Are those veins I see? Hmm…very nice update. It seems to me that the forearm now doesn’t fit the hands and the upper arm, but this is obviously fantasy. Right? I mean you don’t have anyone out there you are using for inspiration, are you? Great update!

Leonardo Da Pixolator

Great stuff as usual

Its the feet that I adore. That toe is so cute, (only you would need a pair of garden shears to trim the toe nail…)
Very exciting work! What a nice butt on that character… it is perfect. A level of modeling that I can only dream about. :sunglasses: :+1: :+1:

LOL Bell, I thought I was the only one checking out the buns… :slight_smile:

Great modeling Pix, of course. You really do inspire all of us to reach beyond ourselves.

Nice, Pix :slight_smile:
I noticed those very fine veins as well. And the feet seem complimentary. :wink:

I can’t see it in the front version, but I think the part on his lower right thigh shouldn’t go past the flow of the leg. In the original it looks okay (non lateral) :slight_smile:

Super job on the hands, it’s amazing how you added so much volume with detail that it matches the original and yet even better on the folds of the palm. Very fine work! :smiley:

DMerchen: Right, It’s a bit too thin, thanks :slight_smile:
Belleski,wenna: :smiley:
gummie: True, I do need to further refine the legs. Thanks :slight_smile:

The next wip update…

Working title: “Mirror Mirror on the wall…”

This is just a quick vertex-coloring test, I still need to refine the mesh-geometry to better define
the muscles (and fix the shape of the feet) and then texture the mesh.

C&C welcome,

Ahh, the pose makes sence now. I like the attention to detail with all of the muscles and tendons.
Also what do you mean when you say vertex colouring test do you mean, embdding colour info into the vertex :qu:, like the vertex lighting in max, or am i way off.

Great update Pixolator !! Wauuu !!! :smiley: :+1: :+1:

Now it’s a Francis Bacon Painting reminiscence :slight_smile:

He’s very cool, Pix. :+1: Looks like he’s been surprised by his own reflection. The only crit I’ve got for you- is to get him textured up. :smiley:

Watching the developement of this character has been a treat. I don’t do much with zspheres; still in the “delete” it stage with most of what I end up with. Still, what I see being done continues to inspire.