
Work from UNDERWORLD & X-MEN ORIGINS (matcap added page 6)

Wow, absolutely amazing sculpts!

Strong work all over!!! but I really like the digital doubles good anatomy… keep it up.

Nice. That Toad came out awesome.

superb anatomy :+1:

saved as inspiration

Thanks for all the kind words everyone !!!

To answer your question, the eyes close are just easier to texture. Nezumi and Mastershokhan: Nothing fancy in my technique for ‘‘fleshness’’ really, I use standart brush, smooth and claytube…lots of back and forth between those tools and a lot of love :wink:

On those project I had the chance to work closely with Mr.Loic ‘‘e338’’ Zimmermann, incredible artist…I have learn a lot by working with him. Merci mon pote ! :wink:

Really appreciate your feedback everyone!

Excellent works!

Hey man !
Always loved your modeling style ! Really great job!


crazy good werewolf, how do you get the skin to look like that?

stunning work, thanks for showing!

dammit…the werewolf looks freakin’ awesome…congrats on top row

This is wonderful, Mathieu! Thanks for sharing.

Congrats on the top row. It’s well deserved.

Amazing stuff…

Amazin work man…Top row

its really awesome…:o

REALLY GREAT STUFF! The Toadguy is just AMAZING! :+1:

This is some really really impressive work!! I’ve always been a huge fan of the underworld series and that, is one kick ass werewolf! I have a quick question regarding the werewolf! I was wondering how you transfered the sculpt detail into renderable meshes in maya? I’ve really only worked with bump map in terms of micro details like the wrinkles and pores myself, but say if I were to sculpt in details in zbrush, how would I transfer all the details onto the mid-high res renderable mesh in maya or max? I’ve never gotten satisfactory results myself :cry:

again, super amazing work! totally top row stuff!
and thanks for any tips you may share!

stunning work - thanks for sharing!

Amazing work! :grimacing: Thanks for sharing :+1:

fantastic work.
thanks for shareing.
sorry, not much else to say.
