
Wild Warrior

Hi, everybody. I’ve been paying attention to ZBrush central. There are many masters here who give me the impetus to move forward.

This is my CG work called Wild Warrior. The concept of the original painting comes from Mr. Russell Dongjun Lu. The character’s strong body and heavy equipment appealed to me, so I rendered it in 3D。

As to the model, it is nearly completed in zb, after the subdivision of dynamesh-zremesher2.0, the details are engraved, then I can demonstrate uv, so that the normal and displacement come into being, and rendering is completed in the arnold of maya, which is the basic process. In the following, I make a breakdown to illustrate the process of my work of some local part.

Finally, I am very grateful to ZBC for providing this platform for us to learn and communicate, and for the guidance and teach of Yang Guang.




This is just amazing!

omg…its awesome…stuning:zipper_mouth_face:

Oh lord…quite a feat! Splendid sculpt all around @MingXu Looks amazing!!!:star_struck:

Awesome work! Very nice details and the expression on his face is classic. :+1::+1:

Awesome work! Very nice details ,Nice render.

Awesome model. I admire people who are able to acomplish something this big so well, that every inch of it is perfect.

This is so good! The sculpt, the lighting and render are incredible! Love the fur too :slight_smile:

Epic on a grand scale. Incredible work. I’m blown away.

This is top skill.

You are a master.

Solid work MINGXU

I just say, OMG. :astonished:

I loved your detail and Texturing. :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:
Thanks for sharing :raised_hands: