
Why not use Double all the time?

Hi guys, I’m new to Zbrush and undersand what the Double option does in the Visibility palette – but wondering why not ALWAYS have it set ON? Why would one ever not want to see both sides of a mesh? Is there a downside?

Double can be misleading. You may not notice certain artifacts that are common when flipping faces, zmodeling etc. If you routinely have double toggled on, make it a habit to turn it off to check that you haven’t been modeling on interior faces. A simple example of where you can run into problems is on parts of your model that fold over themselves, like the collar or cuff of a character’s shirt. If you add thickness to a mesh using qmesh, double will have you believe that an inward extrusion is correct. You may not notice the problem until you export to a different 3D application. Hope this helped clarify.

So what you’re saying @Spacecaps is that with Double off you can see the front and back of a surface but with Double on you can’t tell the difference, right?

@cosmasad The opposite. With double toggled on, you can see both the front and back face of the polygon. With it toggled off, you can only see the shaded (front) face of the polygon(s).