

These are some of the wight’s characters I did in collaborative work with my Assets Team at Gizmo at the beginning of the 2019 year, for the cinematic of Game of Thrones Conquest | White Walkers Revenge. Very talented fellows worked in this piece and without them, this wouldn’t be possible, so, I thank them for the amazing work.

Shading: Luiggi de Gennaro, Lautaro Schipizza, Pedro Sciammarella, Steven Restrepo (Me)
Modeling: Diego Rudnitzky, Lautaro Schipizza, Steven Restro (Me)

We did among 15 variants of this character, but here I just show you my favorite ones.
I was responsible for creating the 15 variants as a Character Supervisor, which was a very heavy task. For this purpose, I created some “flesh cut brushes” for wounds and damage, these were created during the modeling of the Horse.

You can check more on my Artstation and my Instagram:

These are the Artstation of the rest of my mates:


Great work man; cool of you to post your friends artstation as well.

Well done, very believable character :clap: