
Where is the Coding 3D Community ?

All the 3D App’s have a Community
zBrsuh Community
C4D Community
etc etc

So is there a Coding 3D Community , anywhere ?
Where should a person interested in Coding 3D go ?








Those two guy’s are meeting twice a year in the 3D community coding headquarters:

There is not much going on as 90% of the community are slider jokeys and the other 10% are mostly script kids and a few only code hardcore.

You have to check in the app forums for the hand full of people and try and network. Be careful, that’s a rough crowd… :wink:

Still gathering info.What we got so far.

For C you have Blender ,Render engine in C++.
OGRE for openGL & DirectX
and then there’s GIMP
way beyond my skill level at this point.

For newbie’s there are several Game Coding Communities out there,in alot of deferent Coding languages.

Have newbie tutorials and all.

So I am thinking I alt to start with coding games, work my way up to coding 3D.

I use Gamedev.net and StackOverflow.com

For quality responses to difficult questions though, I feel like all those hardcore guys hand out in IRC. Anyone know which channel?

If you’re prototyping your game… your best bet is to learn some LUA and make a gamemode mod in Garry’s Mod (www.facepunchstudios.com). Then all you have to do is import your 3d Models into Half-Life Source Engine and edit your game logic. It’s all free as long as you already own Half-Life 2 and Garry’s Mod (together $30?). And you have facial expressions, physics, developer community, HDR rendering, and a whole ton of other stuff at your beckon.


Other options are XNA framework for XBox and in this day and age, developing a game for the iPhone seems like a better way to make some sales (iFart application made like $200k in a few months?).