
When doodling became more fun with 3d

Nice! He’s a happy little guy :slight_smile: Great expression, good stuff!

M sure he is :smiley: hahah
thank you

Looking really great, very nice sculpt mate! You are improving and learning so fast mate! Definently keep it going.:+1:
Whats up with the pose ^^? Other than that really cool work!

  • KC :slight_smile:

hey thank you kenny
posed as if he is casting magic spell no big deal for him so he is all happy . hahah :laughing: hope you got it

here is 9 tailed fox i am working on recently . wanted to try so animal for sculpt so choose this
kyuubi 1.jpg
4.jpgZBrush Document.jpg
still working on it ! have to make changes
please leave comments and critics or any advice yu would like to give to make it better :smiley:

Few more views :smiley:
and some updates made

i am a big time dragonball z fan
so i though of makin a character which i always wanted to make
comments and critics are welcomed :smiley:

few renders i did with brs render and little noise maker :smiley: !
finally came to know how to use it well
e1 chrome.jpg12.jpg

playing around with match maker tool
so much fun

Well according indian mythology lord shiv is the destroyer of the universe
i thought of sculpting him
still work in progress thinking how to make his rage and darkside come out in the sculpt

watching your progress is fun, You have come a long way in a short time, I particularly like your recent anime adaptations. well done man! :slight_smile:

Thank you so much SammehSAMURAI :smiley:
it feels so good when someone cares to reply on thread . . hahaha :o
zbc has pushed my limits every time watch people making such great stuff even i feel like getting better and better
thanks again

some more updates :smiley:

I know what you mean, after all the hard work of trying to make something good to share, and so rare do people comment, but lots of people look. its nice to receive feedback on your hard work, it helps you know what to improve and keeps you motivated to try harder each time :slight_smile:
lets keep on doing our best and one day we’ll be up the top with the rest :smiley:

hahaha yeah you got me right pal :smiley:
i am sure soon out work will be on top row
cheers :+1:

Hi Nitesh,

This Shiva is Really Looking Great!

It reminds me of a certain Manga style from the past.
what i find quite curious, is the Strange mixture of Sexual Symbolism in the Design:
Phallic Looking Hair On One side and that female “Thing” On his forehead On the other side.

He has a Good villainous and evil Aura !

thank you jake :smiley:
as i watch alot of anime so i theres little element of it too , good observation .
and its the 3rd eye on his head :o

here i a new concept which came into my mind when i stopped going to gym
and started eating alot of junk . when i was reading this article on hell and i came to know that
over consumption of food is also a sin called “GLUTTONY” . It is one of the deadliest sin in hell
well his eyes are stitched because while eating he never sees anything
so thought of making a character out of it
its still work in progress


>and its the 3rd eye on his head :o

< I know its just Freudian from ancient times I guess.
Her`s another funny example of what I mean…



hahaha alright got it :p:laughing:small_orange_diamond:laughing: