
Wayang Dhalang

B&W Version

Grey Clay Pass Renders

Wayang Dhalang”, translated in Javanese to “Shadow Puppeteer” is an incredibly personal project for me, inspired by my father’s love for these puppets. This project’s aim was to use the technical skills that I’ve learned in Gnomon School of Visual Effects to produce a piece that pays homage to traditional craftsmanship.

These Dhalangs are revered as artists and spiritual leaders, they are storytellers, weaving epic tales behind a translucent screen. In a way, it mimics my tale, as I hope to weave stories through my own digital screen.


Some Process shots of this piece :smiley:

Skin Shader Process
Video: https://vimeo.com/437525916

Sculpting Process GIFS:

Hope you guys enjoyed this, was a really fun piece to work on!


This absolutely WONDEFUL!!! The subject matter is unusual (thank God, not another dragon or big breasted warrior queen!) I await your next work with great anticipation!
(Maybe, it’s because I collect Asian puppets!)

Great work! The puppets themselves have a lovely design, and thanks for posting those animation of your process. :+1:

Very nice, thanks for sharing the Gif, as it’s pretty cool to see the sculpting and shaping stages :+1:

sclptrjoel Thank you! I’m glad to hear of another collector, using real puppets to understand how these were made really did help my project a bunch.

Spyndel Thank you!

Jaime Was a pleasure! Thank you Jaime

Awesome work :heart::ok_hand: