
Water worlds

Love this! So nice to see ZB used in this manner.

@ waynedfx:

While you certainly got amazing results and Top Row with your amazing work flow. :smiley: As someone else mentioned the splash kit in Modo might provide a good jumping off point, when you get the next water based job! :lol:

Attached image was a very quick down and dirty attempt in Modo with splash kit. Cheers, David




wonderful use of zbrush, always great to see it used for more than just characters:sunglasses:

Fabulous work, and yes, I would like to see the horse workflow,

This is amazing! Awesome work and thanks so much for showing us how it was put together! Also I’d LOVE to see how the horse was done! (You may have already posted it in the thread, I didn’t read the whole thread yet :P)

Wonderful work. I love that you sculpted it by hand. Evocative images to be sure - your client must have been very happy.

man… thats one dense mesh… how long did the render take in Maya?

Wonderful work. Technically excellent and beautifully realized.

Just a beautiful end result. Really.

Great work, really impressive use of Zbrush here, thanks for the workflow images.

Awesome…!! great work…:+1:

The horse on it’s own is the best part. Great job overall of course, but the horse is exceptional.

Wow!!! Thanks a lot for all the great feedback! will submit some more workflow on the horse! and some render setup etc…
Client is very happy with the final job! if there is anything specific you guys would like to see then just let me know, will try to help out as much as possible!

Piece out! :slight_smile:

That’s an amazing idea!

Fantastic work!

I have to say well done! Did not think this was a SA job.
Would also like to know the render times and renderer etc.

But awesome to see more SA work happening.

Really, really beautiful work. Thanks for sharing your workflow with us. Just curious, what kind of a custom shader did you create in Maya to get the watery texture?

Thanks for sharing your workflow with us! I really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Nice job all around, must of taken a while to get the sculpting down for the water effect.

Wow this is amazing how long are you working in 3d and how did you learn all this?
I am looking for anything that might help me learn come and see my pictures I have lots of other pictures but they aren’t good enough. Any info would help. And one more question how did you make the models and the horse? They look so realistic.:smiley: