
Venom hunter

The additional close-ups and detail shots push this to rediculously good.

Amazing! The details are beautiful.The lighting is excellent. thanks for sharing.

Lovely work!



The attention to detail is phenomenal!! Good job on this piece and congrats on TOP ROW!

Awesome work! Always wished Blizzard did something a little more badass with murlocs. This definitely delivers in spades!

Man this is just pure bad assness!

Good job.

…astonished! :+1:

awesome work dude! My eyes are burning after i stared at it for 10 minutes.

Awesome!! :+1:

Thank you all for kind comments and for the Top Row !
Im really happy you like my work and all the time i spent on this was usefull.

Anyway, the model in max when rendering was at around 135mil poly(displaced with turbosmooth etc)…
There are many things which are hard to see,but they exist :smiley:
The fur stuff on ropes and other are done with Hair Farm.
All models were decimated to approx 1-2mil poly .Originaly wanted to do a portrait image,but it grew a bit in this monster.

got also a bit higher res of this at 3500x5000px where you are able to see waterdrops on spider webs and other ****** if interested PM me .



Fantastic and inspiring work tes3d :slight_smile:

Great amount of details!And Happy Bday man:D

Amazing man!!

verrryyy cool stuff.

Stunning and very inspiring…!!

Amazing work. Definitely raising the roof on what I thought could be visually achieved. Looking through the high-res image is like a visual adventure, so much detail!
I’m sure you’ve noticed this but the bottom left spider’s top leg, it looks like maybe one of the passes got cropped in post. Or maybe it’s just a funky horizontal shadow.

Very inspirational work!

just been drooling over the hi rez render … amazing amount of detail… what are your materials in MR.? also how are the spider webs made? awsume…:smiley:

Awesome detail work, and a great idea using max to make base mesh…

Thats really good work. love the texturing. thanks for posting