
Using Mask selections featured in ZModeler Brush while working on Layers

Hi there!

Is there a way of using ZModeler Brush (just masking functionality of this brush) while working on active layers? I can’t do it. It is not affecting the geometry so it should work, I think, but it is not. Any Solutions?



You cannot use ZModeler on a mesh that has subdivision levels or layers.

Yeah, but it’s so hard for me to understand, why we can’t use ZModeler features such as “mask polyloop” while playing with layers. It’s just cumbersome to mask polyloop with standard mask tool… I would love to make accurate selections using ZModeler brush while making Blendshapes.

Layers complicate or disable many other features. Using them is a tradeoff, so make sure you’re using them in a situation that demands them, rather than a situation that could simply be solved with a duplicate mesh.

You could define the sections you want to mask as polygroups with Zmodeler prior to creating the layer. Then, it’s a simple matter to use basic Polygroup and masking shortcuts to mask those sections while working in a layer.

Thank you @Spyndel

Yes, strategic polygrouping before going to the layer system could do the work. However it would be nice to have the possibility of using features from ZModeler Brush that are not affect the geometry.


You can always use Transpose Master with the layer in recording mode to create a new merged version of any visible subtools at their lowest level of subdivision. You can use the aspects of Zmodeler you want to on this mesh and perform the operations you wish on this mesh, then transfer the changes back to the main tool. The changes you make will then be transferred to the active layer. But remember, you cannot change the topology!