
Uncharted 2 Character Artwork

Truly inspirational!!!

How on earth do you achieve such crisp detail work, like on those stitches for example?

PS. Tell Mike to eat his wacom tablet anyway just for being cheeky.

amazing sculpts dude! Can’t wait to see your crysis chars :smiley:

Zoran looks freakin amazing :smiley: :+1: :+1:

truly inspiring!

darn… this sure is some helluva fine models. amazing work.


This bust of the girl is one of the best top row thump nails I’ve seen.
Excellent work great and precise sculpting. I’m not really a fun of details but here we have some real sculpture. Congrats for this top row. :+1:

aohaoah!!! wonderfulll really great job!!
congrats for the work

Triple-A work Hanno. I recomment the Art of Uncharted book by Ballistic Publishing for more character art. Looking forward to UC3 Drake’s Deception.

this whole work is more than just awesome!
this is… beyond words. some have it, some don’t… :+1:
sometimes i wish i would be one of them with it.

5 * from me.

wow man! thanks for showing!

Hanno, cool stuff my man! Great to see your work on here. Cant wait to see the new stuff you are working on. Keep in touch buddy!

Awesome sculpts, thanks for posting :sunglasses: :+1: !

beautiful work!

I have seen these in EvolveCG a while ago, these are among my favorite pieces ever. I really really dig how they hold this amount of detail and still feel super natural, amazing job man, amazing job! Congratz on top row, truly well earned. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Amazing stuff. I love those almost bw renders…

Outstanding work Hanno! Really impressive stuff… as well on your website :+1:
You got my 5 Stars :sunglasses:

Damn Hoggy…just in time for U3 :wink: ive already told you this looks great, soooooo now stop rubing it in… haha!!! back to work with you my little german detail machine.

btw, did you tell the people on this nice forum that you built individual cities in each poor? i mean thats the truly impressive part!:grimacing:

great stuff dude!

and for god sakes ricardo, get your website up already!!!

I see you are even more insane now than you used to be :slight_smile: Great work, Hanno.

Without any doubt some of the finest sculpts ever seen.
Absolutely inspiring!

If i can ask, the cloth threads are actually sculpted in Zbrush or are added in render with a displacement map?

And this incredibly fine detail is actually baked on the maps used in game or such details are added directly on the normal in photoshop?

Thanks for sharing these wonderful pieces of art.

Very very very very very good!I very like them!