
twf152_ Alien VS Predator WIPs

Look at this, can be useful

I actually came across this when uploading my vid to youtube. It’s pretty freakin sweet. It’s a little more of an exotic route then I was planning on going. I was thinking on going a more indutrialized route, kind of 'Dead Space’ish. but I still may try something like the bio predator, around the joints, and points of articulation.

Here’s where I’m at. The concept is based of of a unit type from the game ‘AvP: extinction’. the unit type in question is the blazer predator. The Blazer is a militarized predator unit, equipped with a weapon which fires a constant beam of plasma, capable of igniting anything. If I had to compare it to something in the real world, I’d say it would be like shooting a stream of burning thermite.

I like where the concept is at right now. I think it looks pretty cool, but at the same time, I don’t think the armor is really evocative of a predator. So I’m going to keep tweaking it; maybe make it a tad more organic, and/ or add some more of the segmented design that’s on the back. I’m a;so Planning on adding some samurai-esque armor on the shoulders and legs.

Any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated.


You are probably moving too fast on details… It’s a good idea to block out your main forms and then give them slight polish before you move into details… Things look very lumpy and doughy. I dunno maybe you want it to look like that but if you move to fast then it becomes very difficult to work over details because you’ll be doing twice the work by moving and fixing what you have done. Anywho, lots of luck.<img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/pixo/atn.gif”>

3dMob: I really don’t think I’m moving to fast. I haven’t really started putting in any detailing yet. Everything you see was just loosely done with the clay tubes brush, and then smoothed out a little with the flatten brush. So what is in the sculpt right now ARE only the rough forms of the concept I’m considering. which is why it looks so lumpy.

Also, keep in mind that if and when I move on to a final stage, I’m going to clean up and retopologize everything in another program. This stage is just my Zbrush equivalent of a rough 2D sketch.

Its an interesting concept. You must be trying to move away from the traditional predator style, but it seems a bit… as odd as it sounds… too advanced. If it were anything but a Youtja I would say awesome, but (only to me… i speak for nobody else) the essence of the character is lost in the nano-suit looking design.

It is a nice sculpt however from a technical POV. I look forward to seeing the final result for curiosity’s sake.

cubanb82: I’m afraid I have to agree with you, that it really doesn’t fit the character. I still want it to look a lot more advanced than the traditional predator, but I think I was going about it the wrong way. I think I should try to give it a more segmented/ ornate feel. As it is, the pieces of the armor are a little too big and solid, and I think it’s looking a little too much like master chief. that’s my theory anyway.

I think I’ll keep the design, and maybe just use it on a Colonial Marine instead.

Here’s another update. I have, more or less, completely reworked the concept. I still tried to get full-body coverage with the armor, but this time I think I was able to do it in a way that looks more like something a predator would wear.

I also wanted to take the time to mention my standard-brush settings that I use to get hard lines for panels, and other hard surface elements…

In the Brush pallet go down to the curve menu and adjust the curve so that it makes a sharp point on the right side. Then, enable the ‘accucurve’ option, which is also found in the curve menu. This option forces the brush to adhere to your curve settings exactly, where as normally you may not see much (if any) difference. This produces an effect similar to the ‘Damien-Standard’ brush, but it produces the effect without pinching.

I thought I’d mention it, because it took me a long time to realize, and as much as I loved the ‘Damien Standard’ brush, the pinching that it used to get the same effect, eventually got in the way.


Looking good …now you gotta start refining those surfaces :wink: :+1:

looks great dude,personally i liked the first predator suit you made better,simpler looking,sure it was not a traditional predator look,but original and a new way u could go with it (story wise) anyway great work :+1:

It’s intriguing to see a predator this way as opposed to the usual ET rastafarian tribal warrior get up. Makes sense that the predator species would also need essential military gear to repel existential threats…very cool progress, will be watching!

It’s the head and the mask. It just grabs me. I like it.

Hey All,

This is kind of an intermediate update. I haven’t started doing any detailing yet, but there’s been a lul since I last posted and I wanted to get the thread moving again.

I started a new concept. One which will allow me to get into detailing the predator anatomy. This guy is going to be one of the older ‘elite’ predators, who has lived for so long, and become so intune with his body, that he can go into battle with minimal armor, and weapons. He also deprives himself of the camouflage generator, and wristblades.

I have started detailing his face and mask to reflect past battle damage. Instead of getting a new mask, or having the old one completely repaired; he will have incorporated into it’s design, the strike that took his eye.

I’ve named him “Stone Heart” after the predator alpha from ‘Predator: Concrete Jungle’. I’ve always really liked that name.

[Stone Heart_Thumb.jpg]Stone Heart_Pose.jpg


Stone Heart_Mask.jpg

Stone Heart_Face.jpg

Stone Heart_Body.jpg

This is coming along great :slight_smile: Keep 'em coming!

Yea, this is really looking beautiful! Or ugly as the case may be :evil: The little hairs / spikes on the face now are perfect! Really add to it. Can’t wait to see the armor details!

Hey All,

Another Update. Not a whole lot farther along. I mostly just worked on fine tuning the body, adjusting the anatomy and such (mostly the legs and hands), and adding the little bumps and skin texture that they have.

I also made the fishnet suit. It’s an actual mesh and took a long time to do, which brings me to my REQUEST FOR HELP. If anyone can think of a way to do this a little bit faster I would DIE to hear it. The way I ended up doing it was by retopologizing the torso in the fishnet pattern, then bringing it into maya, beveling ALL the edges, deleting all of the in-between faces, and then extruding it all.

I don’t want to sculpt it on the body because i want it to be visibly separate, as if you were actually looking at a predator costume. I don’t want to do it with an opacity map, because I want it to be visible in Zbrush, and I want it to have depth.

The way I originally did it worked pretty well, and would be fine if I was going to just constantly use the standard diamond shape; but I eventually planned on making more elaborate fishnet designs, that would signify more advanced cloaking device. And, trying to retopologize the torso using any sort of elaborate pattern would take forever.:confused:

I have 3DS Max 2010, Maya 2010, and Softimage 2010. Any suggestions would be appreciated.:slight_smile:

[Stone Heart Body_Thumb.jpg](javascript:zb_insimg(‘205909’,‘Hand.jpg’,1,0))


Stone Heart.jpg


Incredible! Only critique I have is that there is something a bit off in the lower shoulder area. Looks like either the brachialis is too high or there is a new muscle I have never seen before :lol: If it is the posterior deltoid, it needs to be pushed back and blended slightly.

@TheNameless …really dude? :stuck_out_tongue:

It is indeed a new muscle… but an accidental one.:stuck_out_tongue:

My knowledge of muscle groups, and placement, is pretty vague. In order to sculpt anatomy I look at a combination of muscle diagrams, photographs, and zbrush renders. Because I’m never sure exactly where, or how many, muscles there are I often end up getting mixed messages from the different pics, leading to stray or altogether new muscles. As near as I can tell what youre pointing out is where the brachialis and deltoid meet. I think I got confused and over emphasised their connection, which led to a new muscle.

Glad people like you can point out my goofs. Otherwise I don’t think I’d ever notice them.:smiley:

But…it’s a Predator!