
Tweak - WIP Character

This sculpt reminds me of Goldie Hawn in Private Benjamin!
Like what you have done with the freyed wire on the headphones…really nice touch.

Great work!

o.0 Perfection… love the hand behind ^^


I’m curious to know the technique you used to make the net wrapping of the helmet. I’m assuming you used a curved tool snap and manually started linking and looping each individual piece of the net, correct? Also, did you use a symmetry modifier to keep everything uniform because it looks so natural. If you can go into detail how you got the knots to loops so accurately I would appreciate that. Thank you.

OMG:o, the sculpt is superb!! Amazing, are you planing to do textures and so on?

Looks amazing ! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Top Row IMO !

amazing work !!:slight_smile: