
TristanArtForm Works

nice concept and detailing :smiley:

thank you, sir.

Nice one Tristan! Great skin work, pretty disturbing as well

Hi All.

Here’s a thing I’ve been scratching at in my spare time while working on other things. I started it around Holloween so it has kind of a horror quality to it. Not sure what this is actually supposed to be but it was fun to do.

Modeled and painted in Zbrush. Compositing in Photoshop.


great work :+1: true about the horror quality,i was about to sleep…was…

Good composition and model, I like his texture, but I think if you unfocused arms behind would integrate better with the scene, you can do it with bpr filter too is really easy :slight_smile: good job

Hey thanks, guys. Adrian, I did play with the depth of focus on the creature but ultimately decided to scrap it and just keep the focus as it was.

maybe next one.


Hey, thanks, man

Hey All. Here’s a new personal piece, The Glutton. The modeling started in Zbrush and then I used Zbrush and Maya to retopologize as I posed and added details. Painted and rendered in Zbrush. Composited in Photoshop.

As always crits and comments welcome.


here are a couple of unpainted renders. EMAIL_Glutton_Unpainted_01.jpgEMAIL_Glutton_Unpainted_02.jpg

Here’s a creature I did for myself. I’m not completely happy with the render or this image, but I felt it was finished enough to show and get feedback. The creature painting and rendering was done in Zbrush, comped in Photoshop.

I may try a new render and a new final painting, or I might just get on with my life. Crits and comments welcome.



Same renders but without the comped concept paintingEMAIL_Bipedal_Alien_Concept_Painting_2.jpg

These reminds me some Wayne Barlowe’s works…i like it!

Yeah, I noticed that myself. Unintentional. He’s an excellent artist but I really haven’t followed anything he’s done in many years.

sweet creech!

I was just about to post this exact thing! Then I saw you said it. Barlowe is awesome!

I like this creature, too.


Beautiful flow of shapes.
Well done!

Thanks guys.

Here’s a personal piece done around other commitments. Grimm Brothers style fairy tale Ogre. This is an in progress pic. Still have to tweak some things here and there and paint him, but wanted to show where it’s at now.

Modeled in Zbrush and Maya. Rendered in Zbrush. Comp in Photoshop



