
transfering zbrush 4r5 to my new mac

hi, i got a new imac, and wanted to transfer zbrush 4r5 from my old airbook to the new imac, which is running mac os x 10.3. i only get error messages :frowning:

what i did: when i startet the imac the first time, it asked if it should transfer data from an old maschine, i clicked yes, and transfered the complete airbook to the new imac, including of course zbrush folder.

when i clicked zbrush to lauch it in order to do the webactivation procedure, it sends a message:

i do not have a drive called !, so i do not understand this. then 15 similar messages occured, i clicked everyone ok, and then it shut down before lauching anything. on my old machine i could not locate the files either.

ok, then i reinstalled zbrush 4r4 new on the imac, in the hope i then could upgrade from there. it made the installation, and said all were ok, but when i start zbrush z4r4 it gives the follwing message and crashes

i do not understand this either, since i installed from the original installer of that version…

please help me get zbrush running on my new mac.




I’d try a clean install of ZB4R5, I think there’s a link on the forums or in downloads. If all else fails contact support.

ok, doug, i will try that. did not know that, but found the link you mentioned. thanks a lot.

edit: it worked!! thanks again.