
Tom the friendly Troll

simply awesome, I fell in love with this troll he is really nice. Your craftsmanship is incredible, are you going to animate it?

This is the first elastic-face-dutchman I see :wink:
Nice work and keep going!

Marvelous work, man!

Are you gonna texture him too?

Ohh, and definite TOP ROW!!!

Awesome sculpts! Top Row imho! 5 stars from me! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: .
Thanks for posting the drawings and clay studies :+1: !

Awesome modelling and wonderful expressions. My only really crit is that the depth of his head seems a bit too much. But other than that… as everyone else says, top row!

I’ve saved down your photo reference for the expressions as they are superb.

Incredible work Jelmer! So much life to this character its crazy! Don’t think you will need much luck to win that contest but good luck anyways :smiley:

:grimacing: Impressive. A very natural facial expression. Looks like this live …

Awesome stuff! can’t wait to see the final product and haha great expression. Great great reference to work from. Thanks for sharing! :+1:

Out standing job, Expressions are really great. :smiley:

Hey man nice face you’ve got
I want to sculpt it :laughing:

btw cool stuff and good work :+1:

Thats a great way of presenting a piece! They are all done so well - silly is my fav:lol:

Awesome work…Love it!! :+1:

Wonderfull! Each expression as life.
Thank you very much for posting the backstage… I think that I’ll use the this thread as reference as this is incredibily full of usefull material.

chyea! awesome work man - glad to see it in the top row!
:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: 5*

Aside from the obvious comments, that is is top notch work, very expressive, and well… everything about it is awesome!

Now that I got that out of the way :smiley:

When you went about creating these did you just take your base mesh to the lowest sub D and use the move brush to get things in place? and then go to the higher levels and add wrinkles and details? This would be the obvious workflow, but I am curious to know if there is anything I am missing.

Understanding your workflow is only a small portion, possessing great artistic talents is the other part that I am constantly working towards. I envy you! :+1: :+1: :+1:

This is Fantastic!!! amazing expressions!

Great work Jelmer as always

Great work, got the top row moving…


Thanks for the WIPs!

amazing work sir! very good observation with each expression. Congrats on the top row!

