

Hello guys,
This is the latest project we worked on at Techno Image for the Trojan Horse was a Unicorn event.
It was a super cool and challenging spot from many aspects. We used a lot zbrush in our pipeline, from characters blocking to fine detailing. Zbrush was used for environment detailing as well.
For full Credits, please check Vimeo.


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<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/107588725?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=b2b2b2" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" height=“541” width=“961” frameborder=“0”></iframe>



Cool video!
Very nice idea well executed.

Thank you so much guys for the feedback.
Here some Character behind the scenes.
The render engine was Maxwell Render.

Impressive work, congrats guys.

Very sweet.
Seems like you are not using actual fur on the horse’s body, right?
Would you share some secrets regarding your shader set-up and how you faked it?
I get close with VRay HairMTL3 and a proper normal map but not quite where you are.

Awesome !!!

In all aspects !!! Style, execution, shading, lighting, (rendering), animation… and funny as hell !!!
I really couldn’t say which part I like the most, maybe the style (the characters caricatural looks), the amazing shading (thus lighting&rendering), and of course the animation. Just perfect !!!

I think it will soon go top row and it will be more than well deserved !!!

Congrats, it’s a blast !!!

aaah Finaly some making of!
You know it’s awesome Pedro! but i’m going to say it anyway, it’s awesome!
You are the best guys! :+1:

Can’t get any better than this guys!! just WOW, really top notch work, congratulations to everyone involved !!

One question, are those meshes retopo by hand or ZRemesher?

Nice!!!Love this .

nice n very cute

this is awesome!!! love it!

Thank you Dragon. It was retopo, as it’s animation, we had to plan the topology.
Here’s the base mesh:

Hey A.Ceylan
The horse shader was a bit tricky, I didint expect it would work, but it ended up working.
It’s actually really simple but it required a lot of tests and turntables in order to get the material working properly.

We painted a fake hair map in photoshop to use as a bump map and specular masc. I think it was about 4 or 5 different material layers to get the shader.
Color base, 3 different reflections and SSS for nose/mouth region, ears, eyelids and hoof.

On top of the body… we added hair to break the silhouette and to help to sell the hair as a hair.

what can anyone say about this project? Love every bit of it! TOP ROW!

Great project!
the horse is really cool :+1:

Beautiful piece of work! :+1:

Great job, congratulation!!!