
The Revolutionary

Modeling, texturing n rendering Top notch!

Beautiful job you did there. Love the paint texture.

This is a great piece all around!

The sculpt is amazing as well as the attention to detail on the paint and cloth.

But the one thing that blew me a way is the lighting, do you have any tips on your light set-up? Or how to approach lighting a portrait?


Amazing work, it looked so realistic I couldn’t believe that it was actually sculpted and rendered. Top row for sure!

Awesome work, very realistic paint, did a double-check… O.o great work! ^^

So adorable…so somber. Wonderful job on the expression.:+1:

Wow guys and gals,

Thanks for all the great comments. I really do appreciate them.

@ TheTurner - I’m suprised you like my lighting, because I feel thats one of the things I’m weak at. The only thing I can say that helped me a lot was that I was just really determined and spent as much time a necessary to get it right. definitely watch Eat3D’s Portrait Production DVD, that helped me a lot.

@ ZBC - thx for the Top Row, does anyone know why all the rating stars go away once your added? Just wondering.

Amazing!Awesome!:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I could have sworn that this was real photograph when I first saw it.
Great job Bravo!

Amazing realism!!! congrats!


For those who wanted to know about hair, here are my settings. I got the same question on another forum. I would watch the Eat3D tutorial on Portrait Production though.hair.jpg

Thanks for sharing the Hair attributes! :slight_smile:

simply breath taking :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Awesome work! Your image may lack some wetness in the eyes/eyelids but the image is not dry :slight_smile:

Is he a Pow Wow Cherokee?

The painting on his face is of the Egyptian flag. That’s how some of the population were painting their face’s during the protest earlier this year.





very good!!!


tight-lipped…impressive texture…I’m speechless, keep it up :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: