
The Official Almost Monday Night Challenge

ok heres my yoda ^^ it actually took me 15min to do! :smiley:



Greedo Final.jpg


great likeness on the yoda mario:+1:

Here are other star wars object¡




joda esferica.jpg

you guys doing yoda has inspired me, i found a great reference of the Empire yoda and went to town. there is 2 ft of snow on the ground so besides watching the Patriots theres not much to do. THanks for putting another Challenge up. keep em coming…
the second image shows the spheres, i changes the xyz res while building this bust. works real well for controling you mesh without using the mem curvature or smoothness





Thanks A
and keep up the good work, that last one looks like a Yoda ornament!

Realy like the yoda steve.

I had planed on this being the first challenge I would enter. But seeing how I have suddenly no time to play with Z and I have used it maybe 12 hours total I don’t think it is in the cards. :frowning:

Spectral thanks man
I’m working on a nice final render of the yoda bust…in Z you can make something amazing in very short time …so get to work!! j.k.
It’s a challenge just to decide what to work on, theres so much great star wars stuff


maxsm.jpg Okay heres my final render, not the best render settings but i could play with that for the rest of my life. Unfortunately this is the half-sized version cause the full is 450kb which i can’t up load. hope you like.

pianomesh.jpg heres the piano mesh, the speakers, keys and valves were all made from primitives then multimarked together, the piano was a torus then edgelooped to ugliness. the speaker grid was made with a custom alpha.

maxmesh.jpg And heres Max, made from zspheres with a stored morph-target like in Pixolators Dragon tut, so i could adjust the mesh later, sadly i didnt have enough ram to divide one more time to be able to work on the pants, so i didn’t even bother working on the legs or feet.

I believe a moderator has to deem it worthy for it to achieve top-row status – it’s not something you or I can control.

I think that’s inevitable, though. You did a great job…

I do think you should put a floor beneath him, and maybe a wall behind. It’s not a lot of extra work, and giving him an environment to play in will add much to the reality of your scene.

i did make the wall behind him and the stairs,but it looked so odd without all the other characters and the full palace so i just decided to leave him by himself. in other words, i could put a background but then i’d have to make the whole thing and everyone for me to be happy with it. thanks for the suggestion though.

Based in Jar Jar character with my own style.

Hope you like it.

pregun.jpg[gallery entry]

PS: spaceboy412 and steventaylor: Wow, i really like your models, congrats friends!!! and i can´t forget my friend AndresEloy, very good work!!!

Illusiondigital great model, cool to think of something historical, does it have a body? also how did you get your pic in the main forum thumbnails at the top, i can’t seem to get mine up there.

Follow this simple steps.

  1. Place your image into the thread


Thats all.




thankyou illusiondigital, the problem seemed to be Netscape, but IE worked. thanks again. :smiley:

PS: I forget, the image is in progress i need eyes, teeth and tex.

spaceboy412: No, it´s only a bust, i will make a body someday.

spaceboy412 vbmenu_register(“postmenu_188268”, true); its nice! You should have puyt a blured refletion map to increase the metallic rendering of your piano parts.
