
- the Holy Grail - Dispelling OK dialog when exporting JPG -

Hey guys,
been at this for a few hours and browsed a few ideas around but still no solution.

The problem is simple: I want to automate the export of a JPG best preview render.

[VarSet,fileName,[FileNameAsk,“JPEG(.jpg)|.jpg||”,“image”,“Save file…”]]
[VarSet,diffName,[StrMerge,[FileNameExtract,fileName,3], “bpr”,“0000.jpg”]]

[IPress,Render:BPR RenderPass:Render Best Preview]


After [IPress,Document:Export] I tried every function I could find to attempt to press the OK button in the dialog pop up. I tried Ifreeze to hide it, I tried Ipress with window ID, Iclick and horizontal + vertical coordinates, I tried to use IKeyPress 13 or 10… nothing.

It seems Zscript is not able to “see” the overlay pop up.
The problem is so simple yet so difficult to solve - anybody wants to join the riddle?

Thanks a lot

hi @Digitalclay.xyz , no it’s not possible, the note interface with jpg export setting run from another script so you can’t do anything for that, but you should change pick another image file format.

Hope it helps

Hey! The idea is really being able to export JPG via Zscript.
I want to offer that possibility but I’m afraid probably something external and heavier should be scripted at this point.

ok, sorry for that.
well you still can export to raw file and then use a python script with pillow package to convert them all to JPG. It’s just few lines of code in python.

Hope it helps!