
The Frankenstein's monster

Hey everyone!

This is a personal project I had the pleasure to work from the concept to the final steps on pos production. That gives me the chance to learn new software, understand different workflows, and had a lot of fun in the last months. Making him also encouraged me to read the book (which I still not finished yet, but soon I’ll), and also was a good opportunity to do something I love, but having avoiding for a while, which is character design. So I can say this project touch me in different ways. I hope you enjoy it as much I liked to make him.

Better resolution and more about:


Thanks =)


Great character! It looks as though you enjoyed making him. Thanks for sharing! :+1:

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Thank you Marcus! Was a really good experience =)

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Agree with Marcus! Congrats Artur :clap:

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Thank you Jaime =)