
The Big Lebowski - Walter Sobchak

I’ve never posted any work here before, but loiter daily. Figured i’d post a piece i’ve been working on and off on for a while. Most recent update is the shirt and vest. I need to work on the whole cloth thing some more, so any chance i can i try to. I’d love some C&C, tips, whatever you want to send my way.




hello sir.
thats looking great so far! i would recomend that you add some stubble and wrinkles around the neck area. other than that it is looking very nice! keep it up!

Great job! You really captured him

Can’t wait to see more :slight_smile:

it really is a miracle i recognized him from the thumbs!!!
what a great way to join the forum! welcome

If you do this one and then the “Dude”. Boy this is gonna be a classic. cough*stoner. Looks dead on already.

This is very Dude of you man. In the parlance of our times of course. Top row material. Keep working on it. looks fantastic.

You nailed him… great work!

That is amazing, it looks just like Fred Fintstone…I mean John Goodman.
That is a very inspiring sculpt, Hats off!!!

sorry about the Flintstones comment, it was very un-dudelike!

Did I mention How f#@^ing much that looks like john Goodman???
Oh, I did… I will try to give it 5 more *.

Looking awesome, great job at capturing Goodman’s likeness!

"Smokey, my friend, you are entering a world of pain. "

Awesome likeness!

Awesome, love it! Wires! Wires!

Very Tight! I spotted the likeness from the thumbnail too, hope you’ll work the shaders & update.


Great start! I’ll be watching for updates. :+1:

Ha! Excellent likeness. Well done! :+1:

Unbelievable : it really feels “alive”. :+1:

ha ha - well done. this looks just like him. :slight_smile:

Very nice work
and one of my favourite movies …

Donny next ? :wink:

That is one clean looking sculpt, everything is dead accurate :+1:

no crits


OH MY GOD. Yoink, you have officially become my hero! I tip my White Russian filled glass to you. You should do a full body sculpt. Give him a whole bowling bag and all… or maybe a ringer full of dirty undies. 5 Stars. :+1: