
Surface noise appearing in masked areas?

Normally when I mask an area of an object and then go to the “Surface>noise” panel and apply noise, it will appear on the model but avoid any masked areas. However, on a different machine (same version of zbrush) this is not happening. The object seems to have the noise show up in the masked area as well as the unmasked areas, and if you apply it to the surface, it will apply to both areas as well. So it’s like masking does nothing. Though, altering the profile of the noise seems to happen differently in the masked area vs the unmasked area. Very strange, like there is one version under the mask and one applied to the rest?

I’ve tried to reset the interface and run an “init zbrush” in hopes it could clear a setting that was causing this, but it keeps happening to this ztool.

I’ve tried looking for an answer via google, but apparently don’t know the correct terms to search for.

Any help would be appreciated.

I was having this issue in my class. I was showing students that you could apply surface noise only to unmasked areas. It didn’t end up working correctly. However, in a different project, it works just fine. You could try to export out the object as an OBJ and re import it into a fresh file.