
Substance Painter - Dirty Edge Tutorial

Substance Painter - Dirty Edge Tutorial

In this tutorial I used Edge Fry generator (Created by Scott Johnston) to create dirty edge for substance painter’s brush.
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Edge_Fray generator link : www.share.substance3d.com/libraries/419
Game Decals Link : http://bit.ly/Gamedecals
More detail about this generator :
This node will take a base color decal such as a sticker, generate a mask for it and damage/rip/tear the edges to give a worn out look. In cases where the generated mask doesn’t work you can plug in your own (Custom Shape Mask). There is also a “Detail Mask” input to add any extra wear and tear you want.
*PNG images with no background work best. Images with white areas can cause issues in auto generating a mask. If this happens please use your own “Custom Shape Mask”
Artstation: https://goo.gl/SkoCCb
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