
Study of locomotor apparatus [ Skeletal ]

This is a few of the finished renders of this study as I’m still compositing a more digestible presentation:


SpineLateral_seqence (1)

being my first post I have made quite a few assumptions so I hope if anyone have any good practices to share, I’ll gladly take them into account going forward.

My intention for this thread is to share & get feedback on a continuous study of a male skeletal structure and one by one going through all the flat, short & long bones in the body.

Having sculpted this study for a little while now I feel somewhat conflicted about how lumpy some of the sculpts came out so for cleanliness I’ve decided to use some clay polish even though it makes it look less accurate. I think the main issue is to be able to view this and take away the structure & how they relate to each other.

Disclaimer; Some of you might recognize the cranium and that’s probably because I’ve based the skull heavily on a 3d scan that I bought from 3d scan store. “European Male Skull”


Cervical spine

C1 - Atlas vertebrae

C2 - Axis vertebrae

C3 -

C4 -

C1 - C4



Oddly enough I can’t find a way to Edit this post as before so I’ll test this out: by replying to my own post… Which might be needless to say, weird.

C5 -

C6 -

C7 - Vertebra promines

C1 - C7 : Cervical Spine

I’m a little blurry about the connection to the cranium but from the references I’ve found It’s a lot closer to the center of the medial plane than I expected.

nice study model, sculpt is crisp and clean!
:slight_smile: welcome to ZBrushCentral!

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It’s been a while. Here’s some progress

upd <—

I think this was one of the hardest parts I’ve had to deal with yet…
I might need to revisit this again or simplify the shapes from scratch in order to better sculpt this.

wonderful skull study!

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Scapula & Clavicula

Upd; [ Humerus - long bone ]


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Upd - Ulna

Scale might be quite off but I think it’ll be easier to fix as soon as the Radius & hand bones are in place. :sunny:

Upd - Radius

After taking some measurements I still need to elongate the Radius & Ulna bones slightly as the hand bones seems to start just below the Femur’s (trochanter major) upper extraction.

Upd - [ Male Pelvic bones ]

Upd - [ Femur ]

love the progress! :slight_smile: keep it up

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Upd - [ Tibia ]

It might be a bit too curvy. I think I’ll have to reference it some more if it stands out as a whole.

Upd - WIP [ Tibula ]

It’s not intentional that it came out this lumpy. To me at first glance the tibula shouldn’t have been too difficult but I got stuck in nugging around its twists way longer than I intended. In retrospect I messed up early with a complex shape and should have kept it simple with a base from a primary form & deformers. I might redo it from scratch instead of excuse the phrase “polishing a turd” so to speak… :broken_heart:

Upd - [ Fibula ]

I redid the Fibula from a primitive. The experience was interesting because it was as I thought, a lot quicker.
I think I lost focus mid way through though and lost the overall picture, so I ended up nudging things back into a better representation for a while. In my opinion it’s good enough, I think I just need to finish up this study and present it in a more digestible manner. ^^

WIP Upd - Carpal Bones


Upd - [ Metacarpal & Phalange bones ]

Left to do are:

  • Finish phalanges in the hand
  • Add cartilages for the false ribs & floating ribs
  • Tarsal bones
  • Metatarsal
  • (feet) Phalanges

Upd - [ Mandible ]

Upd - [ carpal, Meta carpal & phalanges ]

Upd - [ Tarsal bones ]

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