
Stephen_Minkin_Gears_of_War_Tribute wipv1

very cool. Definatly very GoW like. The high poly model looks just like Kevin made it :slight_smile:

Yo minkin, it looks great. I really like the detail in your model. But you need some more work on the texture. Try adding some more color variations. Also the pants are all dirty and busted up, while the body is clean. Add some scars, and dirt on the body, and some mud on the boots or something. Also the horns and claws are almost solid black, maybe add some other colors in there as well. But your going the right way. keep it up man :smiley:

Thanx for the honest feed back, it is appreciated.

epiginosis-Thank you. I’m going to see If adding some more color variation will help spice it up.
goast666-Thank you. Yeah I think I have gone a bit over board with symmetry with this one. Im going to go back and see if I can break it up a bit more.
EvilSmiley- Thank you, my goal with this project was to create a model that fit into a developers style.
ecir-Thank you, All problems mentioned will be addressed on my next texture pass. :slight_smile:

Righton Stephen, just be aware of color temperature contrast. You could use for example a cool gray for the darkest areas and warmer grays for the lighter areas. Use a greenish black maybe for the darker red areas that don’t get as much light. You color scheme could get even more complicated if desired or needed.

What a superb piece with fine detail…excellent model!

looking sweet bro texture coming along very well :wink:

Being a big GOW fan i say this is amazing! just blown away by how you managed to do the legs` details. really cool stuff!

wow…gr88 work…love the detailing…:+1:

Colors looking very cool:+1:

I stephen,

You model look amazing, maybe one thing. Make more asymetrical feature on it. Maybe scar. The technicality of this character is really cool but the story is missing and that what I want to do on a character.

So I m sure this is just a wip. Personnaly, i m sure Kevin really like your job!!

Nice work my friend!! I like your work


Hey just posting a minor update of the model before I start rebaking out the textures for the new game mesh. I added some grenades and also have tweaked the proportions, mainly the leg and boot area. Also I went back into zbrush and gave his back some more mass and elaborated on minor details. Thanx


epiginosis_Thank you for those hot tips, It is very appreciated. My knowledge of texture painting and advanced photoshoping is somewhat underdevloped, tips like that go along way for me. Thank you.

SolidSnakexxx_Thank you for the positive feed back.

  • FoOD -Thank you.

truenorth_ Thank you.

basantjoshi_ Thank you.

Dman3d_ Thank you.

Stubi_Thank you. After I rip the new normals maps onto the redefined UV set I’m going to add some cool looking scars in Photoshop. Right now I’m struggling to figure out exactly what his story is. I was designing him as a war drummer class locust. I thought it would be kindah cool if when fighting large hordes of locust you can can hear the sounds of deep battle drums. I scrapped that idea after I thought that would be something more appropriate for a larger locust like a Bummer. Right now the idea Im working on is creating a battle sash that holds large Terminator 2 type smoke bombs that he shoots from and street sweeper like gun. He will also sporting a gas mask that kindah looks like a heavier version of Hannable lectors face mask with a asymmetrical air purifier container to the right and and a large knife across his lower back. Thanx again.



wonderful model and amazing detail :+1:

Now everyone knows where kevin jhonstone’s lostu Usb-stick is… :lol:

Really great sculpt… and you are the first who has the courage to do a “GOW Style” character… you deserve the top row

Hey dude, the new changes look cool. I really like the new grenades. Can i get a close up them? Also maybe u should try putting some kind of armor on his chest. Looks great man, Keep it up

whoa, just saw your quadro guy. i didn’t realize it was the same person that did that one as this one, i can see some correlation in style w/ the 2…love the gow style and keep it up!
top row stuff! :+1:

Hey everyone just posting another update. Past two days Iv been playing with upper armor. Still needs allot of work within the design. I think I’m going to continue model so that the armor covers his whole body like a Theron Guard but of a different class. I’m also going to remove the horns too as I continue developing the design. Tare it up please


Nattawat_OBBI_thank you very much
ISK-86_hehe, thank you very much. I’m having a blast with this model its so much fun to toy around with.Thanx agian
ecir_Thank you much
jjoseph05_ Thank you very much




Yo, this looks sweet. I really love the detail. But the bombs at the very top of his shoulders make him look a bit top heavy, i suggest removing 1 or 2 of them. Also you should maybe add some of the pattern details u got on the chest armor onto the pants. Maybe add little more details on the bombs aswell. But over all this thing is looking AMAZING. Keep it up!!

The Armor is SWEET! Amazing <img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/upload/atn.gif”>