
Start-Up Brushes


How do I add brushes to the start-up palette? I want ‘Smooth Stronger’ to be in the main palette.



Also: Is there a way to group subtools? When using fibermesh you can have hundreds of subtools on a complex figure. Can’t the subtools be grouped? Left paw, right paw, head, face, etc.? If not, can we please do something about this? Photoshop has great sub-group options for layers. Can’t we do something similar in ZBrush for subtools? Just askin’.



To add a brush to startup you just copy the brush into your Zbrush/ZStartup/BrushPresets/ folder. Make sure you don’t add too many as it can cause problems.

As for grouping subtools you cannot do this. It’d be much nicer if Zbrush allowed this to make complex models with lots of subtools more manageable.

Thank you!

Is there a way to make a pop-up menu of brushes that is different than the start-up presets?
