
Stan the T Rex

Nice to see the noisemaker stuff paying off. It’s worth mentioning that before this update you still could have achieved the same results by making a repeating texture in Maya or Max or whatever your 3D package of choice is. Tile it as much as you want and then bake out the texture for use as a displacement map or a mask to inflate your mesh. That’s the way I always did it, but you can bet this will be my method of choice going forward. Nice work.

Love the snake, excellent use of noisemaker. Also cheers for that HDRI link, might play around with them sometime!

snake paint wip.jpg

Some wip on my anaconda model. Again, this will be sectioned to show internal organs and muscles.


snake paint wip.jpg

Love your work and your style, its what i am hoping to achieve within the next few years. i have been drawing natural history for some time and now want to bring them to life as you do within zbrush. I believe i am now getting there and want to create some really nice final pieces. Could i ask how long would it take you to model say the T rex, just so i have a rough idea of how long i would have to produce something.

Brillant stuff love it.

Could I ask how do you get your shadows under the creatures within your plain coloured backgrounds, what is the settings to use here, want to add some shadows under my new sculpt of an red back spider fighting a bulldog ant, thanks.

Hi Glen, thanks for the kind words.

For the shadows…just click the “floor” button…under the perspective button…grid appears…hit bpr.

Modelling something like a T rex takes time. For illustration It takes maybe 3 to 4 days but I do like to re visit older models and tweak away.


As he did so perfectly scales.

bee render.jpgbee render.jpg

Finally had the thumbs up from a consultant working on the book…so next stage…pose.

Just wanted to share a quick bpr.



bee render.jpg

bee render.jpg

World Championship wonderful project
Will we see him in a book?

Nice Bee, So that is a BEEPR render huh? Well done.

Bloody hell Rick!..that was terrible :confused:


Sectioned salt water crocodile wip…a nice collaborations with a very talented chap called Andrew Kerr



Awesome and very instructive!

I’ve been working on some kind of crocodile character in the last 2 months, and I can say your crocodile is pretty accurate and looks good!
Nice job to you and your coworker :+1:

Thanks Reg,

get some fibres on that abominable snowman of yours

allosaurus 2.JPGallosaurus 1.JPG

Hi Zbrushers.

Ive been illustrating dinosaurs now for far too many years and i always have to stick to clients briefs that are sometimes creatively restrictive as Im often asked to play safe and make my images Child friendly. This direction is often at odds with current scientific thinking. Evidence is coming to light that many if not all juvenile dinosaurs could have had a covering of soft plumage similar to that of a modern day Ostrich or Emu. Many modern day reptiles sport elaborate appendages that dont seem to serve any logical purpose.

Im re evaluating many of my old dinosaur models to update them with modern thinking…and god bless fibre mesh for this reason.



allosaurus 1.JPG

Peter each and every Dinosaur post just blows me away!!! Man its the best ‘Anatomically’ created group of Dino’s I’ve come across, man Im lost for words!!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1::wink:


Thanks Jonny…kind praise.

So amazing the anatomy works on these creatures!

As usual, made ***8203;***8203;a great model with great accuracy, a color I like, maybe is a little exaggerated but then I really do not know if they were gray or colored?

For me the bomb!!! like all your work :slight_smile:

Regards Kecaj