
Springrocker Level 1

Hey community, here is my fun projekt.
Springrockers Level 1 created with panal loops.
I hope you like it.

Just recently I joined this community and I have a few questions regarding ZBrush, can I ask these questions here ??

I would love some feedback !


Great use of panelloops, really cool end result - love them renders!! :sunglasses: :+1: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2:!!

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Hi Geert thanks for your comment on my work.

I have a question regarding ZBrush!

I´d be very happy if you could take the time to answer me.

When I append a new subtool in ZBrush, why does it not switch on the new subtool?

The same happens when working with IMM instert Brushes when selecting ´´split unmask points´´.

ZBrush does not switch to the new unmask point tool.

So when I work with the „solo“ button and I select ´´extract´´ and ´´accept ´´, ZBrush switches to the new tool including the mask. This is really helpful.

Am I doing this wong? If not, would this be a suggestion for improvement one could give the ZBrush team?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Greetings Tobi

Nice work. Very fun.

“Append” adds a new subtool at the bottom of the subtool list.

“Insert” will place the new subtool below the one you are currently on and select the new inserted subtool.

Use “split masked points” instead. It will rename your other subtool up a number.

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Hi Leonard, thank for replying!
Ok I must have articulated myself in a way that you misunderstood my question.
I will try it again.

I append a new subtool and then I have to select the new subtool.
My question is; why does it not automatically select the new subtool, or why am in not automatically in the new subtool?
In other programs such as Cinema 4d or photoshop for example , when appending a new subtool\ layer etc. it is automatically selected.

I hope you understood my question or perhaps I wait and maybe someone else might know what I mean. :laughing:

thank you!
Regards Tobi

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@Woodcracker Hi Tobi, I think you should try as Leonard suggested: right below the “Append” button, you will find the “Insert” button: use this button to add a new subtool and it will be automatically selected.
Please let us know if this worked for you :slight_smile:

Best regards,

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Hey Geert and Leonard, thank you i understand :+1: :grin: