
Splinter Cell: Conviction (Update May 10_page 5)

splinter cell!! chaos theory one of my favorite game!!
cant wait to play conviction! thanks ubisoft! fantastic works!!

Very cool, thank you for sharing. I really enjoy the detailing of the characters. All the straps, cloth wrinkles and face details came along nicely. Good job on these pieces. :wink:

Simply awesome dude ! Really enjoy the clothes, so well-worked

Thanks for sharing, very inspiring !

> betaone + sculptor.zb + filoppo + Ichiban + Sycron: Thanks a lot people! :slight_smile:

> james01: Perfection is out of reach, but I’m trying my best to get a bit closer everyday, like anybody here. :wink: Thank you for your interest, and I’ll try to convince TigerZ to post more Conviction work.

> Clintus Maximus: Thank you! On the pictures I posted here, I used photographs only on the cowboy jeans+boots+belt texture. Jeans are really hard to realistically texture from scratch, because you have so many layers of detail on them. I mean, in a production situation, when you cannot spend to much time on each piece. So I used a photograph as a base for the jean, as well as the boots and buckle (I used CrazyBump to extract a detail normal map).
But every other piece here was textured from scratch without photographs.
I use a lot of photo-references for my sculpting though.

I will try to post some more pictures tonight. Thank you all!

  • Fred

Hi, here’s another small update with some pieces done for the PEC system (customisable multi-player characters), and the Coop mode. These are still screenshots from the high res pieces in ZBrush, and low res models in Max viewport with DX9 shaders.

   PEC Casual (gloves and armband made by Kaven Perreault)
   Kestrel lower body
   And the full character was a collaborative work:
   Head by Chris Cao - Upper body by Mager Kamel-Aquino - Lower body by Fred Jovet - Boots by Kaven Perreault
  - Fred![Pec_Casual_Torso.jpg|1100x485](upload://qBsZXzu720nDzet3xMagOwktHvV.jpeg)![pec_casual_01.jpg|1100x599](upload://c90YPzfvNfAstDPDEob3DVxNbkC.jpeg)![pec_casual_02.jpg|1100x599](upload://dnCjmLjfSD0zpUZhyCx1Q2RP8oP.jpeg)![pec_casual_03.jpg|1100x599](upload://tZbcUeqz7w3nFG1iCf4VCgk107q.jpeg)![Coop_Russian_Pants.jpg|1060x656](upload://6oZSQaCpDbxVCjQ3GGHX4evNJCz.jpeg)![Kestrel_Full.jpg|1100x1146](upload://p6J5ZqswMLNZRYAnL2Xj2Bk4C4Q.jpeg)

I got this game a few days ago and all the character models look great.
I really like how the low poly models have been constructed.
The topology of the low poly flows with the material folds of the hi res sculpt , so the actual form of the model that we see in game is not completely dependant on the normal map. This is why I like to see the wire frames.:smiley:

I havent looked at the coop levels yet because the match maker for pc is not working, but hopefully I 'll get to see kestrel and archer when the next patch arrives.:lol:

Thanks for posting these Frédéric, they’re awesome -> going straight into the ref folder! :sunglasses: :+1: .

is ther a sam fisher mode?

Stunning work!One of the main aspects that get my eyes on this game,beside the gameplay that we all know,is awesome, was the visuals…Your characters are very well sculpted and i just freak out with the level of details on the textures.Congrats!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

awesome, very nice work. Reference!

very nice work!!

Awesome stuff you got here Fred.

man your sculpting just ROCKS!!!
but… how did you got such detail on the fabrics??
was it sculpted? was it only texturing effect??
if it was sculpted?? was it with an alpha??
how was it done??
:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

thanks for the great models man
I think the coolest I have ever seen
thanks man :slight_smile:

show the new stuff man
your work at the coolest reference to me

thank you so much for sharing :slight_smile:

i know this tread is outdated but i wanted to ask something

what brush did you use to make clothing?

and how the heck did you make the knot on coste head

and did you guys blueprints in spotlight to make kestel head

and did you guys use retology in max or zbrush

Hey 3D-User! Sorry for the laaaaate reply! I’ll try to answer as best as I can

what brush did you use to make clothing?

I dont know for the others, but I mainly use 3 brushes.
Clay Buildup to create general masses and shapes
Custom Brush bases on standard that I use to create finer shape and fold. This brush is simply a Standard with the Modifier to around 70. This will react as a standard brush but will also pinch your strokes. Using this will create crisper folds than the standard. Also as small brush size its nice to create wrinkles.
Elastic I use this on at the end (intensity @ 50) to push a bit more in or out the fold. I use elastic because it doesnt destroy the details and sharp angle you could have done in your model.

and how the heck did you make the knot on coste head
Multiple subtools. The whole thing is 4 subtools. 1for the top of the head, one around the neck and 2 for the knots. The 1st one is only a ‘‘ball’’ that is the core on the knots and the is a simple piece that goes through it.

and did you guys blueprints in spotlight to make kestel head
Spotlight wasn’t out when we worked on Conviction… and to be 100% honest… I never used Spotlight at all.

and did you guys use retology in max or zbrush
Again, I cant talk for the other guy, but I use both. It really depends on the needs. But for complex model that uses multiple mesh, zbrush doesnt work for that. Its good for other stuff though (seamless meshes for exemple)

I hope it helps!

thanks alot it was a big help the models you guys make at ubisoft are amazing but theres one last thing i whant to ask how did you begin you clothing did you use

mesh extract?
3Dsmax base mesh?
maya base mesh?

id like yo know how you guys do it any help would be nice

From what I understand they all use a base mesh from max which already conforms to the final rig. They cant alter it because its already prepared for animation. Hope that answers your question. Lets Wait for sc 6!