
Spiderman versus Venom


Looks great Sergio!, do you have additional angles?

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You have done a fine job on this piece Sergio, thanks for adding multiple angles :star_struck:

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thanks you very much Jaime!

sure, to start this art I had started a year ago but had abandoned it, I was inspired by some arts by the amazing artist Kael Ngu and decided to interpret these ideas of venom against miles mroales in 3d, so after that I took a manequin and started making a sketch, after I already had a nice idea of the pose of the characters I started to refine anatomy, a normal process in my sculptures, after that I had some difficulty creating the base for it, so I came up with the idea of putting the basket of broken basketball, as if they were already playing so aggressively that they broke everything around them, so after that I just continued refining the base and put the venom symbiote details on it, to put more dynamism in the whole statue

really cool…

