
Space Waltz

Here Here is my work , I hope that the master of a lot of guidance.is my work, I hope that the master of a lot of guidance.:+1:


Great work Tomas!!! Keep it up!

Outstanding and impressive. Wow, such accuracy and that level of detail I haven´t seen in time. And the whole space-Kraken concept is just awesome. Lov it and congrats for deserved top row!



impressive work, great render.

best Astro I seen :D:+1:

awesome work dude!

AAAH first row!
i was waiting for it to happen :smiley:
awesome work dude

wonderful render man:+1:

Wow! that is mind numbingly beautiful! I hope this isn’t bad form and what not, but Could i be fan, and ask you how you put this scene together? is it one render or mixture of many?

This is really awesome, and well deserved Top Row.

My only crit is that I think the contrast on the Astronaut needs to be higher - the shadows on the floor are really dark, but on the Astronaut, the shadows have less contrast. Higher contrast on the Astronaut will make this look just like a photo.

Keep it up, and well done again!


Good picture. Modeling impeccable. Congrats.: Tu:small_orange_diamond: Tu:small_orange_diamond: Tu:

Very nice work here men! I just wonder where did you get the render? ZBrush or other 3D software? It`s so good bro! :sunglasses:

I was away from computer for some sad personal reasons and this morning I looked here and saw all the awesome comments and that my picture even made it for the Top Row. I have to say that it really put a smille on my face. I want to THANK everybody here for their great support and fantastick critigue. You are awesome!!!

Digital_Native: Heh you are probably right my freind :)) The one think I found about my self is that I am very impatient. I just wanted to post it on the net so bad that I choose to ignore this mistake :))

mutte696: Sir its an honor to hear it from you. I love your work.

superhanky: I not quite sure where you heading with this question :). I used Zbrush for modeling, Photoshop for texturing, I put it in Softimge and render it using Metal ray. I used only the main render and very few additional renders (Ambient occlusion, reflection pas, Zdepth). I used Nuke to put it all together.

jit_gohil: I really played with the contrast for a long time and I think that more contrats is not necessary.

chemotoledo: I used Mental Ray for the render

Very impressive!!!

Thank you- your explanation was perfect :slight_smile:
Again, Congrats on an awesome picture, it deserves the top row.

Pretty cool! :slight_smile: Nice assemble of the gadgets over the suite.

Freaking cool man, love the model and the render!

First row deserved…


wow, I really like this work. please post more soon!


Just incredible!

Would love to see your process - very inspiring!

looks like a photo!!
