
Some Zbrush and Max Work

It’s really awesome to see Zbrush used for architectural/environmental designs as supposed to organic models.

Really well done!

very beautiful

Some of the best stuff I’ve seen…ever.
Absolutely amazing, envelope pushing stuff.
This stuff should be the cover art for the next ZB release or Pixologic promo material…retina popping goodness.

Yust one thing, YOUR WORK ****IN ROCKS!!!:smiley: Great stuff man,keep on creating! Cheers:):+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Geeez! just go kill yourself man XD all that stuff its just insane, such awesome work there :+1:

<-----can`t type, trying to pick up my jaw from the ground! man sooo sweet

So this is one of my latest. The next is going to be a focus on modern distruction. This is all modeled geo, no displacment or anything like that which was cool because it was a way for me to streamline my general work flow a bit more. Did it over the weekend just finished the renders so here’s the image. I removed my “Metal Boarders” lol alot of people didnt like em but any who any feedback is great. Thanks again





awesome arch… with amazing detail.

would like to see some wireframes…


Thanks dude for the feedback its dense but I’ll see what I can do. Stay metal

Whoo so its been a rough week in modeling land. Goin a billion miles an hour at work and school, tired as all hell :slight_smile:
So this was for a pretty intense class. Its been pretty demanding mainly because I like lol. Basicly I just have to create something that tells a story through architecture. I’ve been tieing in my hp studies into this as well. So on Friday I thought I’d extend it a bit. All new art, new everything basicly/mine I pulled a heater, I was tired. I’ll post the bigger shots tonight. I dont have a rendering of all of the art I ran out of time so here ya go any feedback is great sorry its not perfect but I had about three days to do it,

Stay Metal Dave

WOW! Screw posting tonight…take B12 and SLEEP…post when you can!


I’ll sleep when I die which may be sooner then expected lol, thanks again

Hey Dudes sorry to post again I was uploading this things to the server and I was told to do it this way lol. Thanks again






Hey dudes hope all is well. Been pretty busy over the last few weeks but I wanted to share some more work with you guys, whooh school and work have been rough lol. Anyway hopefully I’ll have more next week, starting two piece this weekend so I should be pretty busy. Any feedback is great. Thanks

Stay metal



Hey Metal -

Cranking out the work like a madman I see - Game art is looking good - Only thing I would recommend doing is slapping some decals on the tin walls / metal beams - old signs, a poster or logo - whatever. Gives you a few opportunities to break up the even color tones.

Keep cranking it out man, top notch stuff

Yeah I wasnt allowed to do that lol, limited to two uv sets one was for the light map so no overlays but I did make the .fx file for it lol. Thanks again Mate

a good job

Nice colums,and that engine had to take a long time…congrats!! :wink:

Hey guys thanks I need alot of work though, as recent events have dictated lol. Thanks

nice work ! and so amazing details !
keep going :wink: