
Some Zbrush and Max Work

Hey dudes thanks I got a ways to go but yeah my work flow is pretty basic. General forms/silhouettes, then details. I try to base the stuff off of real works so I kinda already know they work. Right now Im forcing myself to to mechanical hard surface modling in zbrush with min work in max or xsi. I’ll keep you posted thanks again. And heres to improvement :slight_smile:

Congrats on Tow Row, well deserved. Very inspirational work :+1:

damn… i might as well just give up… if those are speed sculpts then i’m done for it… guess i gotta choose some new to do…

great stuff truly inspiring and envious LOL :confused: :rage: :sunglasses: :smiley:

I’m stunned…hard to decide between “drooling envy” and pure “shocked into unconsciousness” :grimacing:

The hard surface machinery is wicked sick…I’m with all those just begging for a tutorial!

Holy C**p! Your work is unique and your composition is extraodinary. I don’t believe I’ve seen borders that look that special. The insertion of the mauve flowery objects opposed to the grey material of the machines/pillars is a big wow!

amazing work !!!

Great Models!! Compliments! :smiley:


I keep coming back to this thread because it’s so inspiring. Well Well Well done

Those pillars are amazing! Any chance you might give us some insight to your approach?

Yeah so this is kinda of a fear 2 tribute/ I Love the Sebastian so I thought I would give a stab at a gun model. Lol not nearly as good as his but my first gun lol. I blame Fear2 for this. Low Poly done in Max, High Done in Zbrush. Any feedback is metal. I gotta check with some people to see if I can post my other image but I’ll let you know. Stay metal dudes and female dudes.


ouch… nice dude… got we turning my head trying to look around it and everything… nice work… Which would you consider easier for sculpting/modeling then… for example a hand gun: in 3dMax/Maya or Zbrush? i’m considering it must be really cool with the masks, like very fluid not so technical and more fun, but how do you control the depth of each part so it looks very precise?..:question:

Hey Bandd man thats for the comp, yeah Im not sure its just different. In max I have alot of control over the bits and pieces and that kind of thing. In zbrush I have the freedom to iterate quickly, Im really a max guy by heart and the fact that I’ve used it since Middle school lol. Its not really a matter of being difficult its just different, a cop out I know lol

WOW. . .nice one. Soooo much detail:D

Now that is talent, you should do architecture work, or video game design

good job. like the designs

Hey dudes I’m a video game nerd lol. Thanks again for the great feedback Hopeully I can post another this weekend or early next week. Ttyl stay metal

absolutely amazing, these are some kick ass environements.:grimacing:

please show us more!!!

amazing work :+1:


love those environments, man!
truely inspiring stuff