
Some of my Blur Work, GNomon stuff, and anythign else I can think of

yeah I think so, I know a few people who use maya who have had no problem converting the ideas over.

Only thing is on disk 2 i go into some stuff about uv mapping that is Max specific, but I hear maya has some new tools in that regard so it may very well carry over.

I would say about 90% should be good, with about 10% being really suited toward max.

If you get it I would love to know what you think :slight_smile:


I watched these at a friend’s house (I use XSI so wasn’t sure about buying them and he’s got almost every gnomon vid hehe), but I would say they are excellent for any package. It was only really some of the modelling tools (polyboost, which basically just lets you work faster and a bit easier) and some of the uv mapping that won’t apply to everyone. The techniques are what you’d use in any other program though. But seeing the workflow and pipeline going back and forth between programs is definitely worth it.
I was already comfortable with modelling but still learned a lot from the modelling DVD, and the texturing one was a goldmine as far as I’m concerned.

Ian, you should definitely do more. I’d buy them even though I don’t use max or bodypaint :). And Christmas is coming, would be something we can put on our lists :smiley:

@Coye: You’d learn a lot from them. For the modelling, you can do pretty much all the stuff in the DVD, it would really just be a case of different hotkeys or maybe taking a bit longer when not using the polyboost tools. For the most part is extrudes, splits, welds etc. Polyboost just speeds it up.
Having Zbrush though would be a big benefit, as there is modelling and texturing done in that which would be tricky (if you can actually do it) without.

Cool stuff…
I’ve been thinking about buying those DVD’s for a while now…just to get a little peek into the BLUR production pipeline !
I mean you guys seem to have an amazing turnaround and yet everything you do is of the very highest quality…there’s gotta be some lessons in there somewhere :wink:

Very Impressive. Good work!!!:+1: :+1: :+1:

Thanks Ian,

Your Character Modeling video is the best modeling training I have seen.

I would love to see the equivalent traing for maya platform. Any chance of this?

thats some really nice work. :+1:


These charactors / figures are really amazing!
Your a truely gifted artist.


:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

… My God … !!!

A W S O M E ! ! !