
So Young

purely amazing!

One of the most emotional 3D render i’ve seen, awesome work.

Beautiful sculpting!! The cloth is fantastic as well. The snot bubble on the kid is inspired. Love it. Beautiful work!

How did you get the hair looking so amazing, and how many years have you been zbrushing to do something this amazing?

What an amazing piece of art!! I would appreciate it if you could share on how you make the hair :slight_smile:

wow. the faces even have irritation and acne. TOP ROW EASILY!

WOW! Really quite speechless. Great work! I love the accuracy and attention to detail. Very well done!

i have nothing to say :+1: Top row for sure

My god, really unbelievable work, real amazing,
How long did it take you to make this?
You are an inspiration!!!

Truly remarkable!

here, take my like!



Wow…this is pure awesomeness!

Wow, you have thought of every detail. Fantastic job.


Awesome work yuzi! This amazing work!:wink:

Beautiful work!

Wow, the character is stunning beautiful…
Good job…!

wow this is amazing. Thank you for doing something different for a change. its so nice to see art with this high level of sensitivity to detail.