
slocik Sketchbook

Was supposed to be a really fast speed sculpt, but turns out i cant do anything under 1h ;D About 100min form start to finish ;]
Moved around polies on a square mesh with move brush for few sec at random and started sculpting too see what i will get.

Nice sculpts. But if your definition of speed sculpting is 1 hour or less, than I am definitely in the slow category. Trying to keep mine to less than 3 hours. Cheers

yeah, but i see all those amazing speed sculpts post on ZC, that i really want to try and do something good that fast ;]

I think 1 hour or less are good time for sculpt make details take more time so It depends what we done anyway looks great

Yea, great stuff for only an hour! I really like these models you are posting. Simple, but full of unique character. Keep it up!

Yeah, i get bored to hard and give up to fast to do more complex stuff ;D
But heres a more complex med-kit i did, ironically it took me very little time to make ;D And i totally forgot how well it ended up looking, almost as somebody else made it ;f

Also heres another exactly 100min sculpt, with a timer ;D 2.jpg



Great work on the bag, really has good volume in the creases.

Oh man, I have not been up here in some time. The bag is out of this world. I think there is something wrong with me-:smiley: I actually dig when folks make other things besides characters with ZBrush (don’t get me wrong, I love the characters as well… who doesn’t), but, I get ‘turned on’-:smiley: when I see hard surface models like vehicles, tools, BAGS and so on made with ZBrush or detailed in ZBrush. Sooooo, cool job my friend.


thx, yeah i love hard surface in zbrush also, but the clunky camera control really makes it hard to do ;/ If zrbush includes a camera system and proper perspective in the next realeasy, the amount of hard edge models will skyrocket ;f

Anyway, another speed sculpt, that i throwed few more h at to detail up since i liked thge design, heavily inspired by few similar bat creatures works i saw here over teh years ;f
5h total, maybe i will spend more on it ;D Actually i think i will do a few more busts like this, hope next ones will have more details ;f

Oh, and i played around some with zbrush trasparency, i still cant get the materail to have really white reflections, but im working on it ;]



awesome stuff u’ve got here.

Really great stuff here! Awesome Bat dude bust!!:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Hey slocik, very cool works in here, that medical bag looks fantastic, may i ask how did you tile the pattern seamlessly all over the model? I like the vampire too, vey inspiring.

Wow, you just get better and better.

Terrific last few models!


I understand the camera system (though it doesn’t bother me personally since it’s very easy to snap to side/front/top etc.) but what’s wrong with the perspective? There’s a perspective mode and you can control the FOV, what’s lacking?

Great models!

im, glad you gusy like it ;f

f roldan - its a trick, the mdoel is just a simple box, with a shape of a bag projected onto it. Since the uv of the box was perfect square with no streaching, i could just displace the patten using the uvs. Heres the model without the projected detail layer.
You coudl just expert the low sublevel version, and uv it then and displace, but since i knew form teh start what shape teh finished thing will have i uved it at start.

EricShawn - yeha i also feel somehow forms and details come easier to me, but still i get stick a lot ;f

tobbeo- the problem is that you are rotating the model not the camera, and that the perspective is base on the middle of the screen, so that objects that are far away on left on right will get heavily affected. Witch creates this problematic situation where i want to rotate the model properly, witch is very tricky with zbrush ui. Markers dont help much ;f


medkitsmall wip 6.jpg

Another bust, this time 3-4h ;f It started as a fish guy, then a normal human head, and ended up as a zombie mutant ;D

Looks absolutely amazing, reminds me of Mars Attacks. The Bat HEad is awesome too. Really like the detail on the MedPack, would go perfect with a Rebecca Chambers model.

Some cool stuff in this thread. Gonna save in my goodies folder:)

Nice bust man :+1:

Great sculpting…:+1:small_orange_diamond:) Looking forward to seeing more of your experiments with transparency…still haven’t tried that feature out myself…:smiley: