
Sketches and Recent Work

RiVvenGuard - thanks!!

heres some work being doing for a web site will post more artwork done for the website soon.

Really enjoying your works…Great job on that AZTEC warrior…DYNAMIC…:+1:


Nice work man,keep it up.

My thread

SpiritDreamer - thanks !!
truthhunter - thanks :slight_smile:
RJ the eccentric - thanks!!

many other renders were done for this aztec warrior character…i uses transpose master to give em different poses.modeling and texturing was done with z-applink and renders were done with maya and retouched in photoshop…here are some of the renders and the rest u can check on the following link to the website at full resolution:http://www.miracl3.com/



very nice, the have a great, almost album cover look to them

dat arm is pretty sweet

mazz423 - thanks!!glad u like it!:slight_smile:
baller - thanks !! there a download link to the ztool below it if have’nt checked it already.

some zbrush sculpts for the aztec characters.





Really impressive work…in fact…OUTSTANDING…:+1:…FIVE STARS, in my book ANYDAY, and also…:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: in my INSPIRATION FOLDER…:slight_smile:
Really POWERFULLY BEAUTIFUL work man…Seriously…:slight_smile:

Wow ! Awesome anatomy on this one ! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

really good anatomy job.:+1:

SpiritDreamer - thanks…glad u like my work :smiley:
skullmonkey - thanks!!
Nattawat_OBBI - thanks !!

heres a big smile i had after reading those comments…inspired from Sebastian Kruger the great caricature artist…its still a WIP will post more soon.


Love Kruger, he’s an airbrush artist, right? Is that Steven Tyler? :+1:

cherub_rock - thats steven tyler…ya kruger’s an airbrush artist!!:slight_smile:

heres a zgrab from zbrush on the caricature…

hi all …i have been working on this for a while almost done with it.c&c welcome

very nice work!
no crits from me, only a next step which would be a good texture for the trousers and belt. but the sculpt looks great!

look forward to seeing more :slight_smile:


Digging the scaring man! The pants need some love, but his body is awesome!

chromelogic - thanks…:slight_smile:
Clintus Maximus thanks…got ur point