
Sketchbook Julian K 2011

I like this little guy. The face on his belly is cool. Im not a big fam of the last image with the skinny tentacles. The large ones are cool. Kind of reminds me of a creepy baby.

I’ll buy the #48 artifact. Not the last one.


Better and better Julian, excellent sculpts.
I think naturalism doesn’t fit well to what you’re trying to express here.
A more stylistic, less noisy figure maybe. Or perhaps more noise around.

Your material is excellent BTW, painting on it is a dream.

WOW! great Julian, i love it :slight_smile:

GREAT new sketchbook!!! Love the new sculpts -thanks so much for sharing the hairsculpt vid, shaders and skin tut :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: !

Thanks for stepping by everybody :slight_smile:

soulty666: the “tentacles” are so far just tests and most likely develop more into an abstract ornament, remotely evocative of wings and a halos.
there might be tentacles too later on. nothing is set in stone yet :slight_smile:

michalis - I guess it will probably end up as a wild messy mix of everything :wink:
I’ll use this piece as a fun slaughterhouse and playground, adding things and taking them away again, following my mood and not being artistically serious about it at all. the only vague frame of idea is that the main figure ( the torso) stays, that it’s dark and twisted with a smile ( or a grin for that matter)

since I am quite busy and focused on a job project all day, I take the advantage of doing just fun and experimenting stuff without giving it too much thought. that’s usual a period where I discover new ideas and new approaches though, since I set myself deliberately free of my own ‘censorship’ if you know what I mean :wink:

Etcher - great to have you back! missed you around here :slight_smile: happy if you can make use of my stuff.

here’s something which started out as a quick sketch today and now will
most likely turn into a wip. I had this guy in my head like this ( plus what is still missing there)
and needed to see how he’d look in 3d. all started with his head from a sphere, then some extracting and zsphering. except the fish for which I had a very simple basemesh lying around.
it never stops to amaze me how quickly you can get stuff visualized out in Zbrush. I love how effortlessly you can just sketch along in, almost as if you had the freedom of pencil and paper in a 3dimensional space.

Great sketch! I completely agree about the ease of 3d sketching as if it were paper, I feel pretty guilty since I haven’t picked up a pencil in a while due to the latter :o

Keep up the great work, you’re an inspiration for improvement!

Very nice man! :slight_smile:

Loved it :slight_smile: Clap CLap

great Julian, there’s a lot of mood in that one already, curios to see were you will end up with it :wink:
wonderful job:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:

oops -double post due to serverlag sorry for that
but once more :great work :smiley:

Salki - Thank you so much man :slight_smile:

max-tx - Thaks a lit. great to have you visit again.

shikhar sharma - Thank you. you have great expressive anatomy on your characters. just saw the plum-boy and the plantis character and like them a lot.

schiefer - you may double post as much as you like - always welcome :slight_smile:

So you had some fun, :lol: (you forgot to write it)

Kidding of course, always a pleasure watching your thread Julian. Interesting composition, I mentioned once that we have something common. So guess, I’m thinking about a scene with lot of fishes these days. A transferring of some older painting of mine in 3d. Fishes have eyes, thousands of souls watching us. You have to work on a fishing boat…

Thanks Michalis… yeah… there is something about fish … :wink:

Here’s a small update. The special pleasure for me about this one is, that I don’t use any reference for this little guy, because he is so clearly in my head. that’s also why I continue on it in the little time I have. He wants to be done :wink:


He’s sweet! Somehow gives me a feel there could be more things popping up above his head, he looks like he’s in a deep meditative state.

He’s sweet! Somehow gives me a feel there could be more things popping up above his head, he looks like he’s in a deep meditative state.

More fishes, a lot.
Not joking.
Well done julian.

Nice one! Agree with Etcher, maybe… :wink:

Etcher, Michalis -nope guys, not more than one fish. sorry to disappoint you there.
it’s not about quantity, but the drama of one single fish :wink:

But thanks nevertheless :slight_smile:

Bas - Hehe- that was quite funny, but also won’t happen.
Thanks for the laugh though. made my day :slight_smile:

Great little gentleman Julian!, love the composition between him and the fish!, it’s cool the manner in how you transfer something that is stuck in your head, you’re right about how easy is to express something in zbrush, and sculpt it quickly, i think im gonna do that next time,sculpt the first thing that pop’s out of my mind, to see what kind of weird stuff i came up :slight_smile: