
Sketchbook Julian K 2011

Lovin it! could you tell us what materials you are using for the last two sculpts?

Evil little bastard.:+1:

a very quick and spontaneous update o the last one.

Hey Julian, love the sculpts in post 39! Really really great shapes :wink:
I like this last one as well, though I feel it might be a little to much, at least for my taste.

Keep them coming :smiley:

hey julian i like that last one very much :sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:

thanks a lot all guys. always appreciated.

jaystein - it’s a version of my custom made standard render/skin shader. I often adjust i and change it depending on the current model.
you can get the basic version among other things from my 2010 thread ( signature) and this particular version you asked about is attached to this reply for your convenience :wink:

I dialled the max opacity of the sss part of the shader way back, so it only shines through slightly. all the last renders of the mean little guy (except for the one single shot) are straight out of Zbrush with no Photoshop work
afterwards except for arranging them in one sheet.

Thank you kind Sir! This will be well used! :+1:

I thought some of you might find this useful, when you need a quick and dirty old bronze or old stone solution, for your statues and ancient cult objects to render with BPR.

NOTE: This is NOT a madcap but a 'realtime' shader material, meaning that the light is not baked in and you can have your light reflections and shadows coming from whatever direction you feel pleased. just looks at the sheet with the little grinning guy below for some samples. these renders are all one pass renders with no later photoshop manipulation. the other 2 had a bit of ps treatment ( adding dof and grain mainly) general usage tips: for the very quick fix you need at least base color on your model which isn't white. a mid grey with a slight brown touch works best. even better is to male a quick dirt texture such as the color sample in the sheet. that's done in a few minutes and adds life to the whole thing. furthermore, if there is texture you can add some extra spicy surface structure by simply enabling color bump in the shader( slot 2). without texture it might at least be tasty to enable a bit of surface noise, which i did in the other sample below ( the funny ornamental monkey-god object) last but not least a quick way to change between metal or a more stony appearance is to simply dial the specular level in the shader ( slot 2)down or up. if any of this is confusing and you have further questions, then just ask :) later I'll put that shader into my 2010 thread where all the others are. download below the images -have fun J. <!--[attach=233777]bronze.jpg[/attach]--> <!--[attach=233778]thegreatmonkey_02.jpg[/attach]--> <!--[attach=233779]thegreatmonkey_01.jpg[/attach]-->

That looks great Julian. Thank you for sharing that.

The last one, well, how much does it cost?
Unbelievable. :+1:

hehe… come on :wink:

that was actually the first time I ever doodled with zsketch. the base was done with 95% zsketch armature in fact. I must admit I’m not a huge fan of zsketch, becaue I find it hard to control, which could also just be a question of getting used to it. the armature brush though is quite some fun because it allows you to somehow just draw in midair. makes rather nasty topology though.

Very nice works !

awesome Julien! Fantastic as to be expected! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
I suspect that you never sleep and thanks for sharing the shader. :smiley:


Thanks for the shader Julian, much appreciated!:+1:

Thank for the material! It’s awesome!

Doodles, doodles, more doodles please.
You may find it funny but its your best work so far IMO. You may believe that its much easier than a portrait but when we come to art these are obsessions, nothing more.
About topology, this is a hard for re-topology mesh, manual topology I mean. But not more than an hour I suppose.
About topology and doodles: Have you tried groboto? Excellent topology and almost ready UVs. Surprising handy for more zb sculpture.

Thanks again Julian! My next area in ZB to tackle is materials.

Thank you guys. Michalis already made some good use of it here :slight_smile:

Thank you Julian !!! I’m sure it will come in handy for a lot of people including myself !!!

I decided to take this bugger further into sort of a bizarre little god of lunacy and slowly add and weld and merge as I go. no idea where it’ll end up. no plan, just for fun on a spur of the moment process whenever I feel like.