
Sketchbook 2012

((looks like now she has to kill someone for putting that gum there…:lol:))
But those are really badass chicks, also love the expressions on their faces (apart from the curves, clothes and gun)!

I love to see people get their models printed. Good work !!


Freaking sweet! I was curious how the bikini straps would come out in the print but they are pretty clean. Very smooth results!

great work dude :slight_smile: they came out great indeed !

Lroling:haha yeah! Thanks!:slight_smile:

sgrell: Thanks!:slight_smile:

Nyx702: Thanks! Ownage are awesome with their printing. :slight_smile:

PedramK: Thanks dude!:slight_smile:

All done in Zbrush!:slight_smile:

Great works !!!
Love the girls !!! They are ready to kick some ass

gahpe: Thanks!!:slight_smile:

Hey! One of my favourite artists asked me if I could do a tutorial and so I did. Its a bit long and I will do more of these vids.

<iframe src=“http://player.vimeo.com/video/50879620?color=ff9933&loop=1” webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder=“0” height=“281” width=“500”></iframe> MechPart1 from David Richardson on Vimeo.


Thank you so much for taking the time to make this. This is exactly what I need !

really cool video. Always amazing work

Thanks so much for taking the time to do that video David. I really appreciate it. I learned a lot from you about working with hard surface projects in Zbrush from that. I really hope you decide to put together a few more. I love you sculpting work. VERY clean.


Wow! Thanks a lot!:+1:

Looking forward to the next part(s). :slight_smile:


Watched and downloaded your video from Vimeo: Thanks!! I never knew that you could use Transpose to “skew” surfaces for uneven extrusions; that’s really amazing (to me, anyway!). I was wondering, though: When you were creating the central head of the robot, would it have been simpler to have used the process (I can’t find its name now that I look for it) whereby a mesh is made to conform to a surface, such as a sphere, that lies just behind the mesh? Sorry to be so vague, I just can’t locate the technique in ZClassroom.

I look forward to future videos from you in the mech-construction process. Thanks again!

I think it’s something like “match move”, but again, I can’t find it. :frowning:

Very Cool! Thanks for sharing the video.

I didn’t know about the “Spotlight Projection” toggle. I saw it was in your custom interface but I didn’t hear you mention where it was. Took me forever to find it.

Doggy 7: your welcome!:slight_smile:

nj0r0g3: Thank you!:slight_smile:

EZRA52: Thanks! I will do part 2 this week!:slight_smile:

highlander_72: Your welcome! I’m excited too to make the next one!:slight_smile:

kevphil: Your welcome!:slight_smile: well I really like match move but I didnt think about that when I was doing it. I think its great for patches or designs on the surface of clothes or something though. maybe its something else you were thinking about… :slight_smile:

Nyx702: Your welcome! dont worry it also took me time to find it too hehe! :slight_smile:

MatchMaker Brush! Sheesh. I knew I’d find it. Now, back to sleep. :slight_smile:

kevphil: Such an awesome name and I also forgot haha.

So here is what I think is nearly finished for the mech. I’ll start narrating part 2 tomorrow. What you guys think?