
Shortfilm characters / Reel 2011

Thank you so much everyone!! It’s tremendously encouraging to seeing these characters so well received! I apologize for not being able to get back to all of you at the moment. I hope to answer more questions and emails as soon as time frees up a little on my end.
Mahlikus The Black /Maudeeb: Glad to hear you recognized the music and that is has the same effect it has for me :slight_smile:

Tyrone70: Eiad pretty much nailed it. It’s just based on trial and error. Sometimes I break a blendshape into multiple inbetween shapes, to get more radial motion (i.e the open jaw shape consists out of 4 shapes). That way I have a little bit more control over the blendshapes and am able to keep the underlaying skull in mind.

KonginChains: Regarding the blendshape / key driven displacement maps. It’s all blendshapes, no bones. The eyeballs have eyeconstrains to a couple locators though and a very subtle bit of skinweights are applied to the eyelid area, to give it a bit more fleshy feeling. I exported displacement maps for many of the faceshapes. Each of these maps are hooked up in the shading network.

With a Plus Minus average node (set to subtract), the shader calculates the difference between the base displacement map and the expression displacement map(s).
The amount this calculation result map gets dialed in is controled by a Multiply Divide node, where I simply link the Input2 x value to my blendshape through a set driven key.

If you want to know more, pick up a copy of hyperreal creature creation, a book part of the autodesk series, co-written by Jeff Unay. Or the book Stop Staring by Jason Osipa. Both these books cover the process of key driven animated displacement maps in a very clear understandable manner.

Really great work, well done…

Very nice work ! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
Just one Question who you made the Hairs :expressionless:

I have always seen that book in book stores and have skimmed through a couple of times. I think I’ll pick it up. I already own Stop Staring. Great work, very inspirational.

great Works as always Jelmer:+1:

1 word…SUPERB!

I am just needing to know the basic displacement for one sculpt not the specific setup of your animated displacement maps(though it looks awesome)

any help would be great!

Would you mind sharing your settings out of zbrush for your displacement map. Also what settings in Maya V-ray you use
. I have gone back and forth and it usually leads to bloating or something that is close to what I sculpted but doesn’t quite capture the details. Mostly you see people rendering in V-ray for max but now that your doing it in Maya it would be great to see your set-up…

Really cool character nice work.

amazing style, great render

Hi Jelmer,

Your reel rocks!!!

You’re the person who made the friendly troll faces, I loved that!!

Great great job!

Good luck :slight_smile:

Amazing, brilliant, what can i say, that model and facial animation is mind blowingly good!

Jelmer, I was very nervous yet very honored to have had the privilege to shake your hand in the audience of the pixologic booth at SIGGRAPH 2011 Vancouver. You are truely one of my biggest inspirations, and it clearly shows why from this post!

Truly amazing work, and a big inspiration to us all! And I hope to be up at your level one day :slight_smile:

amazing work!

Good job.