
Shaman Troll WIP steps

This is great work, smooth details, looking forward to seeing the final:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1::wink:

Man, thatā€™s looking so hot. Canā€™t wait to see the finished peice.

WOW, great character, and ++believeable modeling. One thingā€” I wondered if the feet needed to have the two toes spread (more radially divergent) to get good balance. Just my .02c.

thanks Dan-Burke, you made me realize that I forgot to remove the 26 sides on every rendered spline I use
Now the scene is 347 000 poly. I plan to optimized it depending of my camara when I will have the character posed
Good job there Koala. I figured your scene would have a few polys but 500,000 seemed a bit heavy. :wink:

Iā€™m gonna try your technique of using displacement as bump. Iā€™m working on a piece myself where I use displacement over meshsmoothā€¦itā€™s cool coz I can bring a displaced model into Deep Paint and go to town and turn off Meshsmooth to make a fast viewport when I need it.

How many levels of detail are you making in Z-Brush? Looks like youā€™re getting great detail there.

Iā€™m enjoying your progressā€¦and I think you have a good idea there about deleting hidden geo when you do your final camera render.

Thanks, guys for the [hidden feature?] tip on lowering poly counts. This is essential ā€” I know I can bring ANY hi-speed box to its knees by working inefficiently. I wanna make good 3D only if efficient.

Any URLs or other resources come to your mind to relate?

This DB is soooooo good !!!


Sorry, hit returnā€¦

MOST everything is in the SAME DETAIL LEVEL (awesome feathers and face), 'cept for the texture of the neck/shoulder/lapel [whatchacallit] and the ā€˜woodā€™(?) on shouldersā€¦

Thus, these elements seem a liā€™l out of place.
Do you plan to be doing more with addā€™l disp or bump map later? At this level theyā€™re gonna look made out of foam. Just wondering.

Also [Iā€™ll shut up now, promise], whaddya think of relaxing the face a bitā€” OK, OK, I know heā€™s fierce [and Iā€™m ignorant], but does he thus HAFTA be grimacing alllll the time?

just my .02 = sign me ā€œNewbie,ā€ tho I was ONCE Softimage fluent, only now re-entering the 3D fray.

amazing work. the anatomy is cool and all the gagets add to that

Congratulations on Top-Row!

Small progress on the body texture. Iā€™m still playing with the colors. I will add details once I will have the right colors.


Coming along really nicely. Like the color palletes used so far.

Great stuff. Hey I thought that guy looked a bit familiar. I have a Troll Shaman in WOW.
Ya Mon! :stuck_out_tongue:

With all the outfit and adorments, heā€™s a very interesting character. Awsome work. I can hardly wait to see him textured and lit.

WOW!!!( Pun intended): Great work koala. I wish I had the talent to create full body models. Keep it up. Canā€™t wait to see the final model. :+1:

just a small update.

If someone knows where to find a good tutorial about skin shader with mental ray in 3dsmax that would be cool


Why the change ? :confused: i liked the previous desing more :confused:skin_wip.jpg

I re-worked the skin and started to texture the props.
Tomorrow I will work on the teeth/gum and the pieces of wood on the shoulders.


I think you will find this usefull, a scene I made few months ago with sss in Mental Ray (max 8)


Something about the captive bead ring in his nose seems a bit too modern. Maybe just making is a crescent or a quill of somesort would keep it a tad bit more with the overall look youā€™re going for. Most captive beads are usually machined jewelry with exact specifications atleast in my experience. Iā€™d give him something a bit more ā€œtribalā€ to keep that look going for him that youā€™re got established with the rest of his accessories.

Still, looking amazing yo.

Wow, thatā€™s really awesomeā€¦ Great job! :slight_smile: