
ShadowBox: adventures with intricate alphas...

Wonderful pieces and in combination with those matcaps just brilliant! # 34 is my favorite!!!

I would say ā€˜thanksā€™ but i canā€™t as this model is not mine, it was used solely to illustrate MatCapsā€¦

Thats very nice of you to say, cheersā€¦ :smiley:

Dragon : Iā€™ve PMā€™d you with a link to those MatCaps :wink:


Got em, thanks a million. Played with them a bit, but I suck at the time with setting up proper render settings. Watched on YouTube about LightCap setting etc. Will probably play some more with that this weekend. Oh, I also sent you another PM, did you receive it?

Hi BD, real quick, I have sent you several PMā€™s. Hope your receiving them. Best.

For the AO, make sure that the AO slider is turned up in the Material>Environment sub-palette if you are using ZBrush4R2b. If you are using ZBrush4R3 this slider will already be set at 100. Did you try the renders in ZBrushR3?

Looks really cool. I have not been able to get something this intricate out of shadowbox yet. Keep it up.

Tutorial pleaseā€¦We are all getting antsy! Sharing is caring, thatā€™s what my baby girl says.

Sorry for the delay in responding, real life intervened with the digital oneā€¦

Yeah - I mean, it simply doesnā€™t work, Ambient Occlusion DOES NOT affect the ā€˜floorā€™, in either R4, 4R2, 4R2B or R3 - try it yourself, create a sphere, activate the ā€˜floorā€™, turn off Shadows, turn ON Ambient Occlusion and do a BPR preview render, there is no Ambient Occlusion interaction between the sphere and the floor and there should be in my opinion and actually it canā€™t be that difficult to implementā€¦ It stands to reason that if Shadows affect the floor, then AO should too - or is it just me ? :cry:

Hi Javier, thanks very much indeedā€¦ :smiley:

A tutorial is coming, I promise I will be sharing and caring :wink: - in a few days, more than likely at the weekendā€¦ :smiley:


Hey There

Im going to release a couple or maybe three sets of MatCaps in the next couple of weeks - I want to post a few renders using a few of them before I post them for downloadā€¦

They are based on BSDF (Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function) shaders and are designed to be photo-realisticā€¦ well, most of them are anyway

Some feedback on whether or not people might use them would be extremely helpfulā€¦



These were rendered using BPR Preview, Shadows turned off and Ambient Occlusion turned onā€¦


look good

Looks like some really nice ones. Iā€™d definitely use them. I have my own glossy green plastic, but I might like yours better than mine. :+1: I always say, you can never have too many matcaps!

Glossy Green Guy.jpg

matcaps looks great

Iā€™d use them as well! they look good, I sometimes use Keyshot to create some matCaps, quick n good looking!

looks good!!

I so looking forward to this release of MatCaps :wink:

They look really good! Would love to try them!

Lime green glossy plastic = want!!!

Wow !!, thats a positive reaction :smiley:

Thanks for the comments, Iā€™ll get them posted early next week

For VISEone, heres a larger preview of the ā€˜Lime Green Glossy Plasticā€™


I have another one similar to this but with IBL (Image Based Lighting) rather than Emitters, so it has some interesting colour variation


Itā€™s really a nice material - looks so damn realistic like toyvinylā€¦great!

Those look awesomely real! Count me as someone thatā€™s eager to try them!